Neilson Barnard/Getty Images It cost the degenerates at Disney more than $250 million to try and groom little kids by introducing adult sexuality into the children’s films Lightyear and Strange World.
Better still, no movie lost more money last year than the woke Strange World. And other than Strange World and Amsterdam, Lightyear was last year’s biggest money loser.
According to a detailed analysis at the far-left Deadline, after everything is totaled up, from the box office to home video, Lightyear lost $106 million and Strange World lost a whopping $152 million.
Yes, the sickos at Disney are so desperate to sexualize your children, they were willing to lose more than a quarter billion—with a “B”—dollars.Both of those films were based on homosexual plotlines. Lightyear was part of the infallible (until now) Toy Story franchise.The entertainment media suck-ups will blame both of those flops on everything but the lunatic and obscene […]
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