Twitter co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey has become an interesting figure since Elon Musk bought the company. Sometimes, he sounds like the average ultra-woke tech wannabe-millennial pandering for attention through virtue signaling and gaslighting. Other times, he almost sounds like a patriot. It’s rare, but it happens.
Tuesday night, he had an anti-Deep State moment:
Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds.
Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds.
— jack (@jack) May 24, 2023
I see nothing wrong with this sentiment.
But as many replies to his comment noted, this seems to be a wide departure from his previous stances of essentially propping up government, endorsing censorship, and embracing the Deep State.
says the guy who was in charge when the alphabet organizations were using @twitter to do all sorts of dastardly deeds. Tell us the one again about how you had nothing to do with censoring all info about Hunter Biden's laptop. Cmon!
— Joe Pags Pagliarulo (@JoeTalkShow) May 24, 2023
Where were you and where was this attitude years ago?
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) May 24, 2023
Your words today don't match your actions when you were at Twitter, so which one is real? No one really knows, although it generally makes sense to pay more attention to what people do, rather than what people say.
— John Hawkins (@johnhawkinsrwn) May 24, 2023
Maybe you shouldn’t of brought all those people into Twitter to control us?
You are a fraud.
— Alex (@Rabidcow1) May 24, 2023
Was this before or after you let them censor and brainwashed hundreds of millions of people on your platform?
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) May 24, 2023
Whatever prompted his change-of-heart, it’s irrelevant. He had his chance to take on the Deep State when he ran Twitter. Instead, he embraced them and offered its members jobs. Those who think Dorsey is being “based” are being misled.
Jack Dempsey, the GEORGE SOROS of the internet. Got out before he received what he has coming.
Now we must wait in the LORD.