If Donald Trump is elected in November (not a foregone conclusion) would he attempt to plug the anchor baby loophole?
That’s the insane policy by which babies born to illegal alien mothers on U.S. soil receive automatic birthright citizenship.
Thus, American nationality policy is taken from U.S. lawmakers and turned over to foreign lawbreakers.
It’s outrageous.
A recent NBC article covers this issue.
“Trump’s call to end birthright citizenship would face a mountain of opposition,” the headline reads.
In May of last year, Trump released a campaign video … saying he would sign an executive order on day one of his presidency that would ensure that children born to parents who do not have legal status in the U.S. will not be considered U.S. citizens.
“The United States is among the only countries in the world that says even if neither parent is a citizen or even lawfully in the country, their future children are automatic citizens the moment the parents trespass onto our soil,” Trump said in the video. […]
– Read More: www.infowars.com
We Americans simply do not have enough people with enough common sense to run this country. We are bogged down with backwards thinking low and no info voters, leaders too. Add to those people the ones that have MA’s and Ph D’s that are educated above their God given intelligence level and you have the disaster we are in now. I don’t know who said it but someone said that ignorance we can fix with education, but there is no fix for stupid. You ask a college graduate what he thinks of Beirut and his answer is, he was the greatest baseball player ever in the world. With all of the things that are happening that is working against America as well as the common senses thing, we don’t have a chance of a fart in a whirlwind of keeping our country.