Recent studies show that the future of American religion faces two massive obstacles: most young people don’t believe in God, and only about one-fifth of Americans attends a religious service on a weekly basis. Time and again, statistics like these bring the question of religion to the forefront of cultural decline.
Downward trends in religious belief and church attendance began decades ago, and we continue to see its effects on our civic institutions, communities, and politics. It’s a chicken-or-the-egg situation: does the loss of faith lead to the chaos around us, or has culture led people away from God? I suspect that the answer is “yes” to both cases. The decline in religiosity is particularly concerning for American conservatism and the “religious Right” that has animated politics for decades. Data Shows Decline in Religious Engagement
The results of the 2022 General Social Survey (GSS) were recently released, offering last year’s […]
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A country formed with the values of GOD, when they REJECT HIM (and EMBRACE SATAN), they are simply DOOMED TO FAIL.
And the USA has lost the FEAR OF GOD and we see what is slowly but surely happening:
THE END OF A GREAT (once, anyway) NATION.
HE IS ANGRY. How long, LORD?
I have seen two vehicles in my state in the last two days with out-of-state-plates driving TERRIBLY (worse than natives).
Has the DERRELICTION OF DUTY by Alexandro MAYDORKASS already hit my state? These were driving vehicles. ARE WE GIVING THEM CARS TOO in addition to FREEDOMS we no longer have, but ‘they’ do? And CART BLANCE through our taxes as a FREEBIE?
I call on each AMERICAN CITIZEN to make notes be READY TO CALL the next administration’s BORDER CZAR with any and all information WE THE PEOPLE can to REPORT THE CRIMINALS THAT HAVE INVADED OUR COUNTRY A N D R E M O V E T H E M from our COUNTRY for entering I L L E G A L L Y.
I believe even the DOLTS that voted in this complete failure, will vote: ANYONE BUT A DEMO-RINO and possibly return this country to normalcy to some degree.
And I so wish we could find some with BALLS to case the progress and possibly eliminate much of the misery foisted upon each and every America by this so obviously broken CABAL.
PS: if you can listen to that sugarbaby ‘spokesperson’ that is black, female and lesbian as its ONLY qualifications, take note that when IT says ‘a’ ‘aaa’- it is about to tell ANOTHER LIE to cover the crap that is upon the American floor.
As the DUKE said, “It’s getting to be re-god-damned-diculous”.