Sage, George Williams Many individuals believe that burning sage can provide you with certain benefits such as a better night’s rest and warding off spirits. Whether that’s true or not, it probably isn’t wise to try that sleeping aid strategy in Boston City Hall late at night without permission.
Yet that’s exactly what Boston police allege 35-year-old George Williams, Boston’s Reparations Task Force project coordinator, has been doing. Authorities say that Williams overstayed his welcome at The Hub’s city hall for the past three weeks while showing arguably erratic behavior. On Thursday night, Williams was arrested for allegedly trespassing in an upstairs office at 9:40 p.m. Eastern.
According to a police report, city employees say that throughout May, they have had difficulties “with him trespassing in the building after hours, and at times becoming aggressive and threatening other staff members inside of City Hall.”
Williams, who has been arrested for multiple drug […]
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Man I, for one am sick and tired of viewing all the RACE BAITTING on the television sets in America.
13% of the population, but now I must view their sad countenance on my set in 80% of all the stupid, poorly done, morally contemptable ‘commercials’. And these ‘producers’ do not go one step out of their way to find a decent-looking representatives…it is R AC I S M in sublimity. And the writers? What ever happened to creativity? What ever happened to humor?
REPARATIONS? Another carrot to have the black people chase the rest of their lives instead of learning and producing and becoming a REAL MEMBER of SOCIETY? No, obviously ‘they’ are making RACE AN ISSUE when it had become a non-issue. Joe Biden is a RACIST. CABALla Harris is a RACIST. WE ARE ALL RACISTS.
You go ahead and lie to me: If a large black man is walking towards you at dusk, YOU DO NOT WATCH HIM? Or, if you are a black person seeing a ‘whitey’ on ‘your’ street, you don’t care? It is all simply a con game. Keep ‘us’ racially at each others throats, ‘they’ keep stealing, conspiring and GOADING US TO DO MORE, but remember, if you are TRULY AN AMERICAN, YOU-YOU ARE THE TARGET.