(End of the American Dream)—There is a lot of speculation that historic events that people have been anticipating for more than 2,000 years are about to happen in our time. About a month ago, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet about whether or not the sacrifice of the tenth red heifer would take place during the Passover season, and obviously that did not happen. However, I am entirely convinced that a red heifer sacrifice is eventually coming. But if you think that the sacrifice of the tenth red heifer will be big, the truth is that the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant will be even more important.
I will get to that later in this article, but first I wanted to talk a bit about the upcoming red heifer sacrifice.
According to the Temple Institute, a red heifer cannot be used in such a sacrifice until its third year has begun…
As for the time the red heifer may be used for this commandment – the Sages state that it is valid when it reaches maturity, i.e. from the beginning of its third year. [13] From this age and onward the red heifer is valid without age limitations. Though, ideally, one should not wait till it passes the age of four, lest it grows hairs of colors that deem it invalid. [14]
The red heifers that were brought over from Texas in 2022 are now old enough to qualify.
And every day that passes, there is a risk that they will grow hairs that are not red and be disqualified. So the clock is ticking.
Those involved in this project have already spent more than a half million dollars, and if all of the heifers they brought over end up being disqualified they will have to go back to square one.
I think that they would like to conduct a red heifer sacrifice during this current year on the Hebrew calendar, and we shall see if they are able to pull that off or not.
But even if a red heifer is sacrificed, that does not mean that a Temple will be built right away.
In fact, we have been repeatedly told that sacrifices could potentially begin long before a new Temple is constructed. For example, the following comes directly from the official website of the Temple Institute…
No, the Temple Institute is not building the Temple offsite. We are building a stone altar offsite so that when the opportunity arrives we can move it to its proper location on the Mount. The Divine service, including the offerings can begin before the building of the Temple itself, once the altar is built and standing in its proper place.
I believe that the Temple Institute intends to start conducting sacrifices and offerings very shortly after priests are made ritually clean by the ashes of a red heifer. And that will cause a major stir.
Interestingly, according to Jewish tradition the sacrifice of the tenth red heifer is going to coincide with the Messianic age…
In recounting this historical record in his commentary to the Mishna, the great Maimonides ends with the enigmatic statement: “… and the tenth red heifer will be accomplished by the king, the Messiah; may he be revealed speedily, Amen, May it be G-d’s will.”
With this amazing statement, Maimonides recounts an ancient tradition – that the tenth red heifer is associated with the Messianic era. Does this perhaps mean that the appearance of a red heifer in these waning end times is an indication, a forerunner of the appearance of the Messiah himself, who will officiate at its preparation?
If there has been no red heifer for the past 2,000 years, perhaps it is because the time was not right; Israel was far from being ready. But now… what could it mean for the times we live in, to have the means for purification so close at hand? With the words of Maimonides in mind, we cannot help but wonder and pray: If there are now red heifers… is ours the era that will need them?
So I find it quite noteworthy that we could see the tenth red heifer sacrificed very close to the end of the sixth millennium of human history as we await the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
But I believe that an event even bigger than the sacrifice of the tenth red heifer is coming.
When the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant is finally announced, it will be the biggest archaeological bombshell in all of human history.
On the official website of the Temple Institute, they publicly acknowledge that they know exactly where it is located…
While some claim to have evidence that the ark is in Ethiopia, and of course, moviegoers were treated to a fanciful version of the story in “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” in reality, the expression “lost” ark is not an accurate description for the Jewish people’s point of view – because we have always known exactly where it is. So the Ark is “Hidden,” and hidden quite well, but it is not lost.
Tradition records that even as King Solomon built the First Temple, he already knew, through Divine inspiration, that eventually it would be destroyed. Thus Solomon, the wisest of all men, oversaw the construction of a vast system of labyrinths, mazes, chambers and corridors underneath the Temple Mount complex. He commanded that a special place be built in the bowels of the earth, where the sacred vessels of the Temple could be hidden in case of approaching danger. Midrashic tradition teaches that King Josiah of Israel, who lived about forty years before the destruction of the First Temple, commanded the Levites to hide the Ark, together with the original menorah and several other items*, in this secret hiding place which Solomon had prepared.
This location is recorded in our sources, and today, there are those who know exactly where this chamber is. And we know that the ark is still there, undisturbed, and waiting for the day when it will be revealed. An attempt was made some few years ago to excavate towards the direction of this chamber. This resulted in widespread Moslem unrest and rioting. They stand a great deal to lose if the Ark is revealed – for it will prove to the whole world that there really was a Holy Temple, and thus, that the Jews really do have a claim to the Temple Mount. (The official position of the Islamic Wakf, the body that governs over the Temple Mount, is that there never was a Holy Temple, and that the Jews have no rights whatsoever to the place).
When the Ark is revealed to the whole world, it will completely shock the entire planet.
During a recent show, Glenn Beck speculated about what might happen once everyone gets to see the Ark…
Well, it still exists. And this is just my opinion. That’s all it is, just an opinion.
I tend to believe that if it does exist, and it’s going to be revealed.
Then it probably will coincide with the Messianic age, with the Messiah’s return.
And I think that would probably be more likely. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t people who would be very, very excited to be — to have an opportunity. To find it, look for it. And if they could, bring it out.
And that would cause World War III, most likely.
There are a lot of “scholars” out there that believe that Moses never existed.
And there are a lot of “scholars” out there that believe that either the Ark of the Covenant never existed or that it was just a very simple box or basket.
Once the Ark of the Covenant is unveiled, it will “confirm” that Moses and the Ark of the Covenant really existed just like the Bible says.
And it will also “confirm” that God really did make a covenant with the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai.
For those that are interested, I get even deeper into all of this in my latest book entitled “Chaos”.
Learn the TRUTH about Gold IRAs and how most precious metals companies play dirty.
The physical representation of the covenant that God made with the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai has always been the Ark of the Covenant.
And when it is finally revealed to the world, everything will change.
Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
Learn the TRUTH about Gold IRAs and how most precious metals companies play dirty.
These events DO herald the Messianic Age. HOWEVER, a very critical distinction needs to be made here: JESUS WILL COME BACK IN THE CLOUDS. The Jews do not believe the Messiah has even come to Earth yet. We Christians are awaiting the SECOND coming of Christ. The one who will eventually sit in the rebuilt temple is THE false Christ. Beware. The abomination of desolation is what happens before Jesus returns with thunder and lightning. Hard times, the like of which have not been seen in thousands and thousands of years are upon us (like the days of Noah were before the great flood).
The ark of the covenant has already been found. Watch the fourth segment of the video for details.
Ron Wyatt is not a reliable source…
Amazing that so-called Christians are in the gutter with Zionists and their animal sacrifices.
Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark in the 1970’s. It sits directly below the site of Christ’s crucifixion. During the first earthquake a crack opened up and His blood flowed down and anointed the Ark. The second quake sealed the crack and protected the site. Angels allowed Ron to take a sample of the blood and an Israeli lab found that it was alive and that He had 23 chromosomes from his mother and 1 from his Father. The angels told Ron the Ark would not be revealed until the time of the “mark of the beast”. The Israelis know where it is but don’t dare go there. They tried early on and had to enlist Ron Wyatt to retrieve the bodies. Ron Wyatt was a truly humble man and the angels allowed him to hold the 10 Commandments. Ron Wyatt’s videos have been available on Youtube for decades. Why they are not widely known is a mystery to me. Ron (now deceased) has a website and a museum that showcases all the Biblical sites he was blessed to find such as Noah’s Ark, the site of the Red Sea Crossing, Sodom and Gomorrah and the real Mount Sinai.
Those who do not know and understand the Father’s traditions are virtually clueless about the prophetic calendar. The physical temple will not be rebuilt until after the spiritual real substance of it (Messiah’s bride) is fully removed from the earth and taken to the wedding chamber on the Feast of Trumpets. THEN, the Antichrist (who will be a physical Jew virgin male) will be revealed to the world.
The Hebrews do not believe that the Messiah has come yet. They can slaughter all the red cows they want but it does not change that Jesus Christ died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again.
The current location is quite possibly NOT the original Temple Mount, it is the site of the ancient Roman Garrison/fortress. Muslims were duped into building the Al Aqsa there as a ruse to prevent their Mosque complex from becoming a problem when the correct time to rebuild the Temple arrived. The way Israeli government protects this Muslim shrine to the point of injury to their own people now makes sense if you think about it. And yes, all of Judaism and Christianity has been praying at the Western wall unwittingly (some DO know) for the past 70+ years to keep the secret alive, or so goes the theory.
Keep in mind, the story goes that the Judeans were such a thorn in the side of the wildly corrupt and decadent Roman Empire that the Vespasian sent his bloodthirsty son Titus to dismantle the 2nd Temple down to the last stone, leaving no trace of it around 70 AD. Allegedly, the original location is today located in the City of David area where the vital, requisite spring of living (flowing) water is located (this is described in the Bible and is required for all of the washing activities in the Temple service). There is no such spring on the foundation near Al Aqsa. I suspect this little secret will drop shortly before any of this comes to pass. We shall see, and may God’s Will be done…
sorry mike snyder, the red heifer is not a sacrifice. The heifer is not a korbanot. The heifer is burned in a pit on the mt. of olives by a cohen who is not defiled by corps uncleanliness. (has not touched or been around dead people) The cow has to meet strict halakah and her ashes mixed with water from the pool of silom from the city of david. The cohen will sprinkle other cohens on the 3rd and 7th day and any temple structure. There is more but you can study for yourself.
Animal sacrifice in the 21st century. Wow!