The Women’s World Cup (soccer) is upon us, and we’re in for weeks of mind-numbing commentary by browbeaten weenies who gloss over the ladies’ athletic inadequacies, but gush over their strategies.
The U.S. team still fields Megan Rapinoe, a militant progressive who scratched and clawed in unseemly fashion to ensure Women‘s National Team soccer players get paid far more than they deserve. Under the U.S. Soccer Federation collective bargaining agreement , they are getting as much as the men, in fact. The problem is, women don’t play soccer; they play women’s soccer, which is a weakened version of the classic game.
Recently, the big-mouthed, obnoxious Rapinoe welcomed transgender players into the women’s soccer team — after she retires and doesn’t have to compete for a position. Her ludicrous support of biological men-cum-trans women showering with, and competing against, biological women exposes the vast inequality of pay between the relatively underpaid men’s […]
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