Warning: Disturbing Video
Two teens stole a car in August. They livestreamed their crimes, which included hitting random cars and running over a cyclist for fun.
According to National Conservative:
A car rammed into him, and he died shortly after. Police arrested the seventeen-year-old driver a short distance away but classified his identity. Probst’s death was only treated as a traffic-related homicide.
However, a passenger in the car had videotaped the killing. The attack was apparently live-streamed on an unspecified social media platform. The video shows two Black males in a Hyundai Elantra engaged in a criminal rampage. They intentionally hit another car. Then, they intentionally hit and fatally injured Probst.
The video was brought to the attention of police on Aug. 29. The charges were upgraded to open murder. However, his identity is still classified. There are no reports that the accomplice, who videotaped the murder, has been arrested.
The story has been quarantined to local media coverage only. After the charges were upgraded to murder, most local Las Vegas media outlets only referred to the victim as “a 64-year-old man.”
The video is very disturbing, not just because of 64-year-old retired police chief Andreas Probst being murdered for fun, but because of the demonic nihilism on display in these unrepentant criminals.
Here is the video and reactions from those who saw it on Twitter:
— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) September 16, 2023
None of the anti-Trump cyclist forums have mentioned this. Not that this is news, but they are all phones, anyone Democrat or left wing. This should be biggest story in country. https://t.co/pQcA70kQtd
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) September 16, 2023
This story will not get 1/1000th of the attention that Daniel Penny received when restraining Jordan Neely. A Black victim who was engaged in criminal activity is more newsworthy to corporate media than a White former cop who was doing nothing wrong.
When there are no consequences for ACTIONS TAKEN- good and bad- WHY COMPLY if your are a worthless piece of MANURE? My issue seems to ‘have legs’ today. I AM SO DAMNED TIRED of the blacks all over everywhere I look DOING THINGS THAT JUST DO NOT BEGIN TO REFLECT ‘CIVILIZATION’. If you are so damned infantile as to simply be mad because of things that ‘happened’, you know, like when “Some people did something” on September 11, 2001 (ACCORDOING TO ANOTHER BLACK IRRITANT ILLHANDS OHMY!). I have black friends, but they are not of the ILK that ‘EVERYBODY OWES ME SOMETHING’. NO THEY DO NOT. NO ONE OWES ANYTHING to ANYONE.
All over the news. George Floyd WAS NOT KILLED BY THE COPS-he died of FENTANYL POISONING, but the YELLOW-STREAM MEDIA played their game…and PEOPLE DIED. Michael Byrd KILLED ASHLEY BABBITT…nothing done. Cops lead civilians into the capital-open the doors, guide people all about AND THE PEOPLE (WHO OWN THE BUILDING) ARE THE BAD GUYS? O X Y M O R O N S running the country into the ground and A N D ARE ENEMIES ARE ON THE EDGES OF THEIR THRONES in anticipation.
“Come Lord, come”.