As young and otherwise healthy people continue to die suddenly across the globe, the prevailing theory among “fringe” news sites is that Myocarditis and other heart ailments induced by the Covid-19 “vaccines” turn deadly during strenuous physical activity. This theory jibes with the trend of people dying during or shortly after exercise or sports activities.
The latest report of a suspicious death making its rounds on some sites involves Raechelle Chase who died at 44-years-old. She was a viral personal fitness influencer and model from New Zealand. Her cause of death has not been reported, which is standard operating procedure whenever vaxx-induced deaths occur.
According to Breitbart:
News of the death was released by her oldest daughter, Anna Chase, who said her mother died earlier this month, according to
The Chase family has not released a cause of death. The New Zealand Coroner’s Office says they are looking into the death but have not said if they suspect any wrongdoing.
“Given the recent nature of the death, no further information is available at this stage,” a spokesman for the New Zealand Ministry of Justice added.
In 2011, Raechelle Chase became the first New Zealand woman to qualify for the Figure Olympia bodybuilding event. She went on to compete in a series of international meets.
She later became a fitness model and had a social media presence that garnered more than 1.4 million followers.
Neither corporate media nor government officials ever report on these events beyond the initial obscure statement of the news. They pretend that these people do not exist UNLESS it is discovered that their deaths were not vaxx-related. In those rare scenarios following someone famous dying of initially unknown causes, they blast out the cause of death as far as corporate media can reach.
In the vast majority of these cases, nothing is ever reported about the victims again.
We have no way to confirm that these deaths are caused by adverse reactions to the Covid-19 “vaccines,” but considering the information blackout that continues to surround them, it’s important to keep asking the question and to attempt to discern the truth.
UNEDUCATED but went to ‘schools’.
Hated biology so cannot connect the dots or know about VIRUSES…they went with the flow, took the jab(s) and now are either dead or physically DAMAGED by a China delivered WUHAN VIRUS DEPLYOED ON PURPOSE to get us right here and now where we are :F U C T.
WE THE PEOPLE do not have the time to wait for TRUMP…OBIDEN and COMPANY are aware their time is running out-they cannot fudge this election (WITH PAPER ‘ballots’) as 75% of real AMERICANS WILL VOTE FOR TRUMP because we know OUR TIME IS RUNNING OUT.
F Garland
F Harris
F McCarthy
Can you feel it yet? WE THE PEOPLE are FUCT.
The vax may have been the proximate cause of her death, but ultimately it goes back to willful ignorance. There was nothing random about people who refused the jab – we looked up the information, and we saw that mRNA technology had deadly side effects. We found out that the spike proteins on corona viruses are in and of themselves toxic, and that the mRNA jab reprogrammed our own body’s cells to endlessly crank out those toxic spike proteins. If we looked deeper, we found out that the patents actually called this a “bioweapon”.
“Ignorance is its own punishment” Rest in peace, Raechelle.