I routinely ask people in social gatherings ‘how do we win – how do we defeat the Left?’ One answer that’s come back is lawfare, tying up our opponents in court. Transgenderism is one area where lawfare could actually work. Legal action has the potential to bring down the entire Transgender-Industrial Complex.
To that end, I have created a new section on my website – Transgenderism on Trial – to foment more litigation against doctors, psychologists, school administrators, teachers, and other instrumentalities of the Transgender-Industrial Complex who are either out to make a buck or to make America a communist country. I don’t throw around the word ‘communism’ lightly, only when I have the goods and […]
Read the Whole Article From the Source: libertysentinel.org
Learn the TRUTH about Gold IRAs and how most precious metals companies play dirty.
Yep. GOD has been removed from the USA.
Now 2 or 3% that are simply SICK IN OUR SOCIETY, TRANS and GAYS are ABOMINATIONS TO GOD. They within themselves call God a LIAR as He made them in His image…and they say, “no, this is not what I am”, thereby calling the CREATOR out as a liar. And WE THE PEOPLE are SHEEPLE, LEMMINGS thanks to a FILTHY MEDIA. And CRIMINALS get paid right out of YOUR TAX DOLLARS -not even going to write of the FRAUD and WASTE
A L L O W E D and expected within this failed experiment. Khrushchev said it, and it is now TRUTH, “we will get you without firing a shot” (perhaps not exactly, but the point is here). In other words, there are COMPRIMISED INDIVIDUALS working WITHIN, doing things against the president (DJT) and he could not know. ‘Release the documents’. He said it, they did not DO IT.
And now ‘THEY’ get attention and a new position in life? When I was young, ‘they’ stayed in their homes, behind closed doors- WHERE ‘THEY’ should be CLOSETED and QUIET as ‘they’ live out their sad existence…but TODAY? FRONT and CENTER, the CREAM OF OUR CROPS…D O O M E D.