It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this could be heading. For a moment, I would like for you to imagine a rather chilling “fictional” scenario. Not too far in the future, all “global citizens” are required to possess proper “digital identification” or else they will not be permitted to access the new global digital financial system. Central banks all over the globe have rolled out their new “central bank digital currencies”, but in order to use those currencies you must “prove that you are who you say you are”, and the only way to do that is with the new global system of digital identification that has been introduced.
As cash is phased out, those that resist being part of the new global system are increasingly pushed to the outer fringes of society. Hardly anyone is willing to employ them any longer, it has become virtually impossible for them to get loans, and they are looked down upon by much of the general population. And then after the vast majority of the global population has “willingly” signed up for the new global system of digital identification, it is announced that the system will now become mandatory. That means that anyone that does not submit will not be able to buy, sell, get a job or have a bank account.
You may think that I am exaggerating the dangers of a global system of digital identification. I wish that I was. Once a global system of digital identification is introduced, it will rapidly become our most important form of identification.
It will become more important than your driver’s license and more important than your Social Security number. Pretty quickly, it would become required for almost every financial transaction that you make online.
A lot of people may think that would be a good thing. After all, there are so many scammers and thieves on the Internet these days.
And I would agree that there is a need for more financial security on the Internet, but I am 100 percent against any type of global digital identification system because the potential for tyranny would be off the charts.
Unfortunately, that is exactly the type of system that is now being proposed by policy makers at the United Nations.
In a May 2023 policy brief entitled “A Global Digital Compact — an Open, Free and Secure Digital Future for All”, we are told that “an open, free, secure and human-centred digital future” is absolutely critical for the “attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals”…
The present brief proposes the development of a Global Digital Compact that would set out principles, objectives and actions for advancing an open, free, secure and human-centred digital future, one that is anchored in universal human rights and that enables the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. It outlines areas in which the need for multi-stakeholder digital cooperation is urgent and sets out how a Global Digital Compact can help to realize the commitment in the declaration on the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations (General Assembly resolution 75/1) to “shaping a shared vision on digital cooperation” by providing an inclusive global framework. Such a framework is essential for the multi-stakeholder action required to overcome digital, data and innovation divides and to achieve the governance required for a sustainable digital future.
Most people in the general population would not be too alarmed after reading that introductory paragraph.
But as they say, the devil is in the details.
If you go to page 8 of the policy brief, you will find the section where a system of digital identification “linked with bank or mobile money accounts” is proposed…
Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes.
I briefly mentioned this the other day, but I don’t think that most people understood the implications that this has for all of us.
Under such a system, if your social credit score gets too low you could be put in “digital jail” for a certain period of time. Your “digital privileges” would be suspended for a while, and that would mean that you could not buy, sell or live your normal life for the duration of your punishment.
Of course if you insist on being a “repeat offender” enough times, you could have your “digital privileges” revoked permanently.
What would you do then? You wouldn’t be able to buy or sell anything. You wouldn’t be able to get a job. You wouldn’t be able to have a bank account. At best, you would be a total outcast from society. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this sort of a system is a long way off.
Three months from now, the European Union will “mandate” that all member states offer a “digital identity wallet” to every single one of their citizens and businesses…
The European Union will mandate digital identity under eIDAS 2.0, which will go into effect in September 2023 and ensure all Member States offer a digital identity wallet (DIW) to citizens and businesses. According to the European Commission, “At least 80% of citizens should be able to use a digital ID solution to access key public services by 2030.”
Initially, participation by individuals and businesses in the EU system will be voluntary.
But over the past few years we have seen how quickly “voluntary” measures can become “mandatory”.
When I say that we are living in one of the most critical times in all of human history, I am not joking.
There is a reason why the UK, the EU and the U.S. are all getting ready to roll out CBDCs.
And there is a reason why “digital identification” has suddenly become such a hot issue.
They really do want to build a digital prison for all of us, and if you plan to object the time to do so is now.
Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
Article cross-posted from The Economic Collapse Blog.
It’s really confusing reading these articles. The time to object is now?
On one hand the author seems to see the correlation between scripture prophecy and current events. One the other hand the author fails to see that these things ARE GOING TO HAPPEN.
Objecting isn’t going to change prophecy. Objecting isn’t going to stop this from unfolding.
Indeed…. wordy article…. on June 5 the Who announced the end of the plannedimic and announced their new Global Digital Health Certificate. The digital mark will not come through the banking sector, but the health sector…. perhaps working together. Health can be more scary than finances. I was able to accurately predict the timing of the WHO announcement on June 5… as seen on one of my videos a year or so ago. Revelation 13 offers 2 beasts… the first lasts 3.5 years and creates authority for the 2nd. On Jan 5, 2020 the WHO announced that the virus was no longer isolated to China, but worldwide…. 3.5 years later the WHO announced the end of the plannedemic and their new Global Digital Health Certificate. Sure the financial aspect is offered in this video… but it will not materialize until it becomes a health issue. I predict that we will see the implementation 3.5 years after the vax became available, and it will roll out in the same manner as the vax was… at first it will be voluntary and then move to mandatory, and then controls will be put into place. Eventually, many countries will implement the death sentence for those who refuse..
Why did the vax need graphene in it? Graphene is a toxin, and has no purpose as an ingredient. However, it does offer magnetic attributes. A digital RFID only has so much reception and needs an amplifier or antenna to produce any range. Does the graphene offer that? The first creates authority for the second. The second has the mark in which no man can buy or sell. We are told that the patient number for the RFID is 060606… the number of the mark predicted nearly 2000 years ago..
I think you can and should object now! Even the Bible leaves room for prophesy to be altered. Perhaps , from another viewpoint, the entire 3arth is not going to fall into the system. Who knows, but one.
Scripture never leaves room for prophesy to be altered. God is not a man that He should le.
Only a tiny percentage even knows what digital currency and agenda 2030 is and msot don’t care what the government does or forces on the people. Schools teach perversions (transgender, lgbtq) and parents condone it otherwise schools would be empty and boarded up. Churches controlled by the 501c3 refuse to speak out against all this and run by apostate church leaders preaching social justice and condone any lifestyle. Many have dropped out of churches and home church or meet with friends for fellowship in recent years. voting is now useless as congress and the president are told by the globalists/UN leaders what they can or cannot do. America is off the rails because majority of people could care less what gov. does or makes people do. Nihilism prevails, and few care about their family or community and will go along with anything incl family separation into detention centers for depopulation.
We are in the last decade folks as the last 7 years of tribulation has commenced!:
There is no such thing as a 7 year tribulation…. That idea is a counterfeit coming from the counterfeit cult of dispensationalism. No Scripture even remotely offers a 7 year tribulation… yet that is the foundation of your comment
It is quite noble for the CEO to not ship meat that has had an mRNA shot – however they are planning or are already doing the following – spraying mRNA in the air for all of us to breath including cattle and then the cattle will eat the grass that has had mRNA settled on it AND IN IT. The totally evil and depraved elite have been thinking this all out for DECADES.
Bottom line there is only so much we can do to protect ourselves – they have planned it all out. What it all comes to now is THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE THAT IT REALLY IS! ALL SPIRITUALLY TUNED IN PASTORS AND CHRISTIANS WILL TELL YOU – REPENT GET RIGHT WITH GOD, THEN WHAT HAPPENS WILL HAPPEN – YOUR FUTURE IS SECURE. The Lord gave me this verse this past weekend – Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, You need only to be still(calm). The King of the Universe is willing to fight for me (isn’t that amazing?) All I need to do is to remain still and absolutely calm while I totally trust in Him! To me this is amazing beyond comprehension what a promise He has given me as we face the potential of nuclear distruction of this nation. HE CAN BE TRUSTED – ABSOLUTELY!
It’s all about kontrol and to hand you over to their GOD – the mark of the beast. You have been warned!