GOP House Whip Tom Emmer has been designated by his conference as their Speaker of the House. For those who are unfamiliar with Emmer, he is an anti-Trump, UniParty Swamp RINO who makes Kevin McCarthy look like a constitutional conservative.
There have been many theories floated about why he’s so popular among House Republicans. Let’s look at those theories, then I’ll explain the real reason he’s being thrusted upon America to become second in line for the presidency.
Many believe this is just another attack by the McCarthy-lovers to punish Congressman Matt Gaetz. It’s as if they’re saying, “If you thought you didn’t like McCarthy, just wait until we give the gavel to a raging RINO.”
Others think this is the moderate wing of the party thumbing their nose at Donald Trump. Emmer has been a quiet Never-Trump from the start, accepting benefits from the President when it behooved him but secretly working behind the scenes to subvert him and his agenda. Like most Never-Trumpers in Congress who are too cowardly to voice their opinions, Emmer’s real feelings are only shared to those he trusts. With that said, I have confirmed with two of his “allies” that he hates Trump and always has. Trump also knows this which is why has opposed Emmer multiple times.
One popular theory that’s floating around is the idea that Emmer will help turn back on the money-laundering scheme known as Ukrainian “aid.” Proponents of this theory claim Ukraine is what sunk Jim Jordan’s chances. This is at least partially true, but not the biggest reason.
Some are saying Emmer will open the door to abolishing the Electoral College and deciding the presidential race by popular vote. While it’s true that Emmer has supported this, I find it hard to believe that this is the reason for his ascension.
While any of these reasons may play a role in some of the individual votes by GOP members, the biggest reason he is being promoted despite being wildly unpopular among GOP voters is that Emmer is compromised. The puppet masters over the UniParty Swamp, whether you want to call them the Principalities and Powers or the Multipolar World Order, will only allow someone who is compromised and under their control to be Speaker of the House.
To be clear, EVERY member of Congress is compromised to some extent. Some are only partially compromised and are not necessarily being controlled by the powers-that-be. Many if not most are completely compromised to the point that they can act and say decent things most of the time but when the call comes in for them to vote in this direction or promote an idea in a different direction, they obediently comply.
Those they cannot compromise, they eliminate. Ask Madison Cawthorn.
McCarthy is compromised on multiple levels. Steve Scalise, the initial offering by the GOP to replace McCarthy, is fully compromised as well. Jim Jordan, the 2nd most popular Republican in America right now, clearly wasn’t compromised enough or he would be Speaker today.
Emmer, unfortunately, may be the most compromised Republican in the House. He’s not as compromised as Mitch McConnell or Lindsey Graham in the Senate, but in the lower chamber his is a pure lapdog for the globalist elite cabal.
I’m sure there will be those who think I’m crazy or simply wrong, but I’m neither. Okay, I might be a LITTLE crazy sometimes but I have enough information about DC to know that Emmer is a full-blown puppet who will do whatever his handlers tell him to do. This is an absolute disaster if it’s not stopped. Let’s pray there’s enough integrity among a handful of House Republicans to prevent this travesty.
Sound off about Tom Emmer on my Substack.
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Tom Emmer is the devil’s helper and direct servant of satan; full of god-hating vile and no way he will be speaker unless Almighty God has given up on America
I am ABSOLUTELY done with the Republican Party. Nothing but swamp rats a.k.a Democrats in a Republican suite!
You sound like me 20 years ago. Been an independent party affiliate since and never looked back. I’m absolutely disgusted by the RINO faction of the UNiparty. I laugh every time I hear about some strategy for whatever upcoming election we are about to have, because I realized that the national GOP is not interested in winning. They are just interested in the status quo and are no more interested in leadership than the lobbyists or permanent bureaucrats who rule against us on a daily basis.
Ignorantly claiming that 25 RINOS represent the whole party is why we should pull your voter registration and your man card, too. Weakling.
I left in 2021 when the Republican party did nothing to help Trump with the election let’s call them blaring irregularities i.e. theft. They are toast and this is just more proof that they do not represent anyone calling themselves conservative/MAGA/American.
So what are ya gonna do ? Support Demorats ?
He did not get anywhere as many votes as Jordan but is put forward as the nomination?
Will enough Republican refuse to vote for him in the final vote to make them reconsider?
I doubt it.
I am happy to be proved wrong but will wait to see if they make wise choice.
I am happy to have sat out the midterms. GOP got the results it deserved. Let the train crash. Life long GOP voter, until 2022. NEVER GOP AGAIN IN THIS LIFETIME.
Hi, my name is Pasta and I’m a ‘recovering Republican’ too, so Hi Stinkyyman and welcome to our group.
Dear GOP,
You can and will be replaced by the people
Right now is an ideal opportunity for us to form a new party and make sure OUR PRESIDENT Trump heads it up.
Abandoning the Electoral College to elect Prez by Popular Vote means it would only take ONE corrupt voting district to change the outcome of a National election — instead of 4-5 like it does now. #EffingStupid
That’s the plan!
As it is right now, there is not one dahm bit of difference in the two sold out parties so it would be great if we conservatives just didn’t get out and vote. The idiot RINO’s might wake up after the first election cycle of losing badly across the country. Then, if they do wake up, we can show in force and put America First reps in the capitol.
“A vote for Tom Emmer is a vote for [special counsel] Jack Smith’s investigation,” Complaints about Emmer’s record on everything from Ukraine funding to the debt ceiling. “He certified the fake election. He has been the wrong vote every single time. He is Nancy Pelosi in a suit
The Uniparty is real.
And as we have seen, voting is fully corrupt.
Ammo up folks.
He is ryan 2.0 We want Jordan, the conservative Right’s time is now we need to get our country back to order or this great nation will fail all for the love of a cushy life and padded retirement.
You are so right about Madison Cawthorn. He said the quiet part out loud when talking about swingers and cocaine. Remember, he said he was shocked that people he respected were at the party. Then Kevin McCarthy brings him into his office to “chastise” him. McCarthy then drafts a candidate to run against a Cawthorn, a sitting Republican in Congress.
Anymore I cannot take seriously ANY person that says Ukrainian aid is being money laundered without seeing some sort of undeniable proof. Just because some Ukrainian oligarch funded the Biden crime family does not make the country of Ukraine automatically in the same boat. Regardless all military aid money goes directly to the Pentagon so there’s that and as to the rest I do not like funding their government at all, let the Europeans do that, but to say it’s being laundered is just useless platitudes without proof. Innocent until proven guilty. I will not stand for the enslavement of an entire people just so you can virtue signal like the best leftists do and that is what it is inane virtue signaling. Further, let Ukraine die and Putin is emboldened, let me see when was the last time the West did that, can you say Neville Chamberlain? How’d that work out for the entire world? The WWIII scenario will happen if you allow Putin to continue his rampage into states bordering his pathetic country. Several top Russian officials are on record as saying that Ukraine is just the first stepping stone. Why do you think Finland ran to join NATO, because they are one of those stepping stones. Why do you think Poland is arming itself to the teeth, because they are one of those stepping stones. The Baltic states and Romania too. Put yourself on the front lines with Russia and your days of lazy comfort from your sofa will end as your focus become real. Regardless Ukraine has humiliated Russia no matter the outcome, #2 cannot take #29 (armed forces rating before the war). It is just such a swell idea to spend trillions on deterrence whereas for a fraction of that you can destroy it…do the math!
Who are these powers who can install a Speaker of the House?
Who really runs this country?
good point! i’d like to put a different angle forward on political compromise.the majority of congressmen and senators say they are christians. and, of course, since this nation allegedly separates church from state, these same politicians, and the aspiring-to-be crowd, refer frequently to this legality as explanation for the absence of Christ’s Name and Word in their speeches, campaigns and policy priorities. they know as do the rest of us, that nobody — however ‘conservative’ — could ever get elected to public office running on an out-front and consistent biblical approach. that reality is in the ‘duh section.’ but what does Jesus say about it? “he who is ashamed of Me and My Words…,” and “he who denies Me…” what’s that? ‘well practicality and necessity demand this small concession to the laws of the land, since the political forum is not spiritually oriented.’ hmmm…could it possibly be that Christ’s Kingdom is “now NOT of this world…”? — and that He came “to deliver us from THIS present evil age…”‘? ‘But corruption is encroaching into our communities — we’ve GOT to do SOMETHING!!’ yeah, like stand against it always without shame, mitigating, excusing — in a word, without compromising. you won’t get elected, not even for dog catcher, but you’ll rejoice when you hear, “well done, faithful servant”!
Just look at THAT FACE…
No way this clown is GOOD FOR AMERICA…and thanks to THE DONALD, FLUSHED OUT OF HIS McCarthy-favored HOLE in the ground and RAN AWAY from the TRUTH:
Republican In Name Only (RINO)- aka TOM EMMER, our male Nancy Pelosi…NO CHANCE, NO WAY, good bye Tommy Boy…CONgress leech.