Anyone who wants to hear or read the heinous vitriol written by Nashville mass murderer Audrey “Aiden” Hale can watch Steven Crowder reading it or read about it themselves at The Post Millennial. I’m not shy, especially when it comes to revealing the truth, but I’m not going to post any of the garbage here because the bigger story must be told.
The fact that Hale was a deranged and violent bigot is a big story, but the bigger story is the coverup. Now that we know she was loaded with hate, the measures undertaken by our own government, including multiple city, state, and federal agencies, to hide the manifesto should be considered criminal.
Here’s what the manifesto and Hale’s history demonstrate. Hale was mentally ill with gender dysphoria. She received “gender affirming care” to help her “transition.” Whether during this transition or after, she was indoctrinated into a radical leftist perspective of anti-White hatred that permeates across society today as a direct result of “wokeness” that drives both “white guilt” and anti-White actions.
The hideous mass murder she perpetrated against children was a result of this indoctrination. That’s not surprising and this won’t be the last incident because the “woke mind virus” will certainly lead to more violence. Unfortunately, it’s also not surprising that the woke powers-that-be were able to keep this damning manifesto under wraps for so long despite exposure through multiple levels of government and law enforcement.
They don’t want the truth about the trans-supremacy agenda exposed and if it weren’t for one brave leaker amongst a sea of cowards in government and law enforcement, the truth would have never come out. THAT, my friends, is the bigger story here. Children were sacrificed on the altar of wokeness and we almost never knew the truth.
I’m going to leave it at that to open up discussion in the comments on my Substack.
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would be pretty damning, if not informing, for somebody to cull out the countless instances of government-blocked news, subpoenas illegally snubbed, ‘official’ versions exposed as absolute b.s., etc.; and these just since the current administration took the wheel. make a ‘coffee table’ book out of it — you know, the sort of short-chaptered, photo-stacked, 150-page, grab-ass, glossy cover type of read that joe and jane schmo will readily brouse. that’s the target audience, the middle-class, working class chunk that is most of america. they are too job-wasted at the end of the day to do much more than give themselves to whatever family time is left. but they are the soul of this country’s traditional love of truth. i’m serious here, folks. get a patriot publisher and put this package together, because corporate kiss asses like fox have a huge grab of the good guy in their lying, greedy little paws. somebody with wayne allen root’s cajones move on this.