Dial it back 50 years, or even 30, and no Americans would have suspected that the U.S. government would go “all in” for perverting school children’s minds, achieving hidden agendas, destroying the nuclear family and confusing kids about gender “identity.” Under communism, citizens, including children, are distracted, lose their identity, become culturally void, are not independent thinkers and follow the herd (destitute, common peons) into servitude to the autocratic government.
This means the nanny state government intends to keep all citizens distracted (especially future taxpayers and voters) with warped sex-thinking , drugs and anything else that keeps them from realizing what’s happening , as they lose all self-control, critical thinking skills and useful education. That brings us to talk about today’s curriculum, from elementary school all the way up through college in America. Communist playbook includes pushing transgenderism, gender mutilation surgery, cancer-causing hormone treatments, socialism, Critical Race Theory
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