(WND)—The Christian Church, at least in America and the “developed” world, lost its power as it transitioned from a supernatural institution into a natural institution. God, in case you haven’t noticed, operates in the supernatural realm. This, in turn, brings about changes in the natural realm.
It was God’s efforts in the supernatural realm that created the natural universe and everything in it, including galaxies and solar systems, ours included, where our Earth orbits around our sun.
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The universe did not exist prior to God existing. God existed before anything was created in the natural world. God clearly tells us this in His Word in Genesis: He spoke everything into existence.
The “Big Bang” came into existence much later – when nonbelievers made up their own explanation for the creation they saw all around them. This was their effort to “appropriate” God’s creation for their own use and benefit.
The damage this caused should be obvious to the Gaists, Greenie worshipers and depopulation fanatics. They “see” and operate only in the natural world. Their pride of existence has overcome them, and thinking themselves wise, they have become fools. Still, they refuse to repent from their error, and insist that we must all join them in their error and give them all our resources, and then they will “save” us from ourselves. Idiots!
Measurements and mathematics are mankind’s explanations for what exists – not God’s explanation. Idiocy, in case you haven’t noticed, is a creation of the natural world and is transmitted primarily through the educational system. The clueless are employed by the clueless to create more clueless. If you stay with their system long enough and pay enough money into it, you will be awarded a degree in one offshoot or another of idiocy. That entitles you to become a “supernatural” denier, to yell loudly that we have only a few days left, and demand everyone contribute their substance to you to fix this imaginary problem created by you and your friends. The nursery, the planet, the universe must all bow down and worship the brilliance of these people and in reverence apply for a certificate of idiocy, which will only be issued at the end of our lives and the exhaustion of all our substance.
Mankind transitioned from operating in the supernatural realm to the natural realm when Adam and Eve chose the fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil over walking with their Creator God in the cool of the Garden of Eden. God in His mercy, we should note, prohibited their access to the Tree of Life, lest they eat of it and live forever in this state of bondage to the natural world, which is but a subset of the supernatural world.
The church, as well as most of the rest of the world, fell for this nonsense, because it was taught to children in school, and we were all once children. Thus what began as an adjunct to religious education, at least here in America. became a replacement for religious education. Why would we not want children to know first about God, and only after that learn about mankind’s ideas and suppositions?
Maybe it’s time the church reassesses the biblical mandate for its leadership. Or do we prefer fighting supernatural battles from the natural world, because we like to hear the clashing of swords and crave the excitement of battle?
Would it not be better for all of us if the church returned to its God-given power and authority in the supernatural world, and fought its battle there, from a position of power?
Behind Enemy Lines, Vol. II, Armageddon Story novel series, by Craige McMillan
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The peace He provides GOES BEYOND UNDERSTANDING and I FOUND Him waiting for me. All I did was “ASK”.
Still schizo posting in BOOMER CAPS, eh retard?