(WND)—A report from the Telegraph in the United Kingdom reveals there are those in Britain’s government who insist people who affirm that biological sex matters are “Nazis.”
The report explained that some civil servants also were compared to the “far-Right,” and by other extremist names like Nazi, by others in a meeting over diversity.
“Members of the civil service group Sex Equality and Equity Network (SEEN) were targeted for their views on women’s rights, with one civil servant accusing the group of wanting to ‘destroy’ the LGBT+ community,” the report explained.
The organization considers that biological sex “is binary and immutable.” And the report said a survey of hundreds of members from dozens of government departments found that 41% of the women and 30% of the men had “witnessed or experienced” bullying, harassment or discrimination for holding those views.
The survey found reports of bullying by gender identity advocates included “open criticism or insults on staff intranets or chat platforms” and “verbal abuse, including shouting.”
The report charged that the slurs were delivered while several diversity networks were talking about various campaigns and programs.
“An official who was on the call told the Telegraph that members of SEEN were accused of ‘holding views that resemble Nazism,’” the report said.
A further report by the Christian Institute said a letter that was leaked to the Daily Telegraph showed more than 40 staff from 16 Civil Service departments warned Cabinet Secretary Simon Case that gender ideology has “distorted” Whitehall’s impartiality.
That detailed how the signers charged, “Many of us have experienced some form of professional disadvantage because we do not believe that the concept of gender identity is meaningful, or that it is more important than sex. Several of us have been through stressful and intrusive employment disputes.”
And, the report said, former Cabinet Minister Sir Conor Burns said he was extremely pleased that “civil servants are now starting to challenge” the transgender beliefs being promoted by special interest groups.
“There is a sort of tendency to outsource all rational thinking on these issues to Stonewall, who frankly – have become like a sort of thought police. The chasing of Stonewall certifications of compliance and excellence and all the rest of it is now pervading not just the civil service but the NHS and parts of education as well. It’s become a really, really serious problem.”
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WOW…I am a racist because I am WHITE. I tried to be ‘tolerant’ of other not like me. But when these people ‘;not like me’ DESTROY property, murder, etc. and GET AWAY WITH IT, man, do I have an increase in blood pressure.
And today I discovered I AM A NAZI too. Well, I AM EDUCATED. Yes before the 2000s too. I KNOW THERE ARE MALE AND FEMALE and that is all there is. Any other claim is MENTAL ILLNESS, perhaps coupled with a hormonal issue undiscovered, but now has the attention of THE COUNTRY?
Go ahead men, suck another man. Go ahead ‘ladies’, muff dive. But in the END there is ONE TRUTH:
God made man and woman. He made their ‘covered’ parts complimentary. He made the ANUS for the excretion of bodily WASTE, not a PENIS for entry. He made these things to be used very naturally…but NO!. He made man FOR THE WOMAN, but today’s females are simply CLUELESS- but want EQUALITY.
Hey, do others feel the pending DOOM I do?