(Natural News)—The medical establishment is teeing up for the launch of another “pandemic,” this one centering around H5N8 Influenza, also known as avian influenza or bird flu.
The American Medical Association (AMA) made a few changes this past week to its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) system, described as “the leading medical terminology code set for describing health care procedures and services.” One change is the creation of a new CPT code for H5N8 Influenza virus “vaccine” candidates that “receive emergency use authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”
You may recall that during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic,” the FDA granted EUA to the lineup of injections unleashed through Operation Warp Speed. Now, for the first time since COVID, the medical establishment is readying itself for what appears to be the next scamdemic: bird flu.
To ensure that health care systems across the United States are up to date with the codes in their electronic systems, the AMA is updating its CPT system right away “in advance for the potential FDA authorization,” which appears imminent.
“The new CPT code is a vital preparatory step in response to the potential danger to humans from a highly infectious avian influenza disease,” commented AMA President Dr. Bruce A. Scott, M.D.
“A CPT code that clinically distinguishes the avian influenza vaccine allows for data-driven tracking, reporting, and analysis that supports planning, preparedness, and allocation of vaccines in case a public health response is needed for avian flu prevention.”
(Related: Did you know that the COVID jabs the FDA granted EUA to under Trump’s watch are triggering a once-rare facial paralysis disease in some recipients?)
If Trump wins, a bird flu “pandemic” is likely
Attorney Tom Renz commented on the development after Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom (OAMF) – Ohio is the state where Renz is based – warned that bird flu is more than likely the next scamdemic coming down the pike.
“I expect the next pandemic after Donald Trump gets back into office unless he finds a way to shut it down,” Renz wrote. “That said – can you imagine another plandemic with a Kamala Harris president? No way.”
OAMF noted that the AMA’s CPT codes cover both adults and children who will be expected to take not just a “first” bird flu shot but also “each additional vaccine,” this referring to so-called boosters.
“Mandates will come,” OAMF warned.
Ohio could become the first state in America to pass protective legislation for conscientious and religious objections to adult vaccination, the group further revealed, which is good news for everyone who lives there – but what about the rest of the country?
“This is just further confirmation that the next control pandemic is in route,” OAMF said. “We’re all focused on the election, but we need to pay attention to what they’re doing in the dark!”
Renz also had a few things to say to Elon Musk and the other controllers of X concerning the apparent censorship still taking place on the social media platform.
“Why is it that the pics on this threat keep being hidden and the thread does not appear in any searches for mRNA or elsewhere?” Renz asked after observing what he believed to be shadow-banning and other censorship actions occurring on his thread about all this.
“Obviously it is being discussed and trending but – much like many other items on my feed – the pics are continually suppressed and the post cannot be found in a search. I never get a response and simply do not understand why this keeps happening on a free speech-based platform. Elon Musk is pushing for free speech – is the staff @X listening?”
It looks as though bird flu is scheduled to be the next COVID. Learn more at Plague.info.
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No way I’m going to get this poison or allow my family to take this death shot. F these fools and their slave masks.
First: do not post anything remotely critical of the government on YouTube because they are liberally using the ban hammer. They call everything hate speech
Second: the elimination of Chevron Deference means the FDA cannot make a liability loophole for a vaccine out of whole cloth. There’s no emergency. Why would they not want to test the new bird flu vaccine for safety? WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?
Only a short bus rider would even consider taking another vax of any kind
This is way better than plain bird flu, swine flu or Chinese factory flu. This infects the birds, they pass it to cattle, finally to the humans. Now we have to kill the birds and cattle. The rubes will never catch on. It’s like global climate warming change. There’s no metric. What ever our betters say is true, then it’s true.
Everything points to the final goal plan — Mass-Depopulation, by any means necessary. Those who control the food supply of any nation, controls their populations. Starvation is coming in mass. Rapid die off is the agenda. It will be dog eat dog whether liked or not. Weaponizing Fear, has been a ruthless tactical method programming populations against each other for decades. Herding humans to the point of total submission hasn’t been easier. Dumbed down fogged brained people are many. Those assuming Trump will save America are in dream state. The globalist cabal are always two steps ahead. They will crash & burn everything down before giving up their thrones. They are already doing this right now — look around you. What’s coming down the pipeline will make 2020 a walk in the park. The next major black swan event, is to take Trump out. One thing is certain, if it does happen, it’s guaranteed Netanyahu played a roll in it to make it happen. Never forget Sept 9/11? Who did that? Who profiteered from it? Nothing is what it appears to be. We want to think it is. Mainstream media tells you that all the time — 24/7 mind control programming. The tree roots of the deep state, the globalists, the neocons, the bankers, are so entrenched together, it will take a bloody civil war to eradicate all of it — once and for all, for good.
All governments lie lie lie.
It has a reverse midas touch, turning gold to dust, starting with ditching the gold anchor to go to a pure fiat dollar.
Abolish the income tax, which is involuntary servitude .
Go to one-day, paper-only ballots.
Expunge government from primary elections
Liberate the kids from government schools.
The FDA works for Big Pharma, not the American people. The people in charge receive, personally, a lot of money from the pharmaceutical companies. In the old days we called that bribery.
We managed to stay PureBloods through the last four years or more, and we’re not about to be conned into trying something we already know killed millions of people.
mRNA is not a vaccine my friends and it was never created to be so. mRNA is a gene editing tool which will “F” you up because by the third booster your immune system will be so compromised it won’t even be able to fight a common influenza.
There may soon come a time when we will have to use our weapons to keep the vaccine-police from forcing us get inoculated with their killer drugs.
I’ll pass. I’ll let the TV indoctrinated Guinea pigs do the testing.