We’ve had some interesting discussions on X lately about SNAP benefits, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program payments formerly only low-income households received.
When I worked at our local family-owned grocery store in New Jersey as a teenager, we called them ‘Food Stamps,’ and they came in a little rip-out ticket book much like Monopoly. If there was change to be returned for any purchases, the store cashier issued little credit slips of however many cents the change was written on them.
Now, the amount any given account is allowed per month is preloaded onto a SNAP debit card, and off the recipient goes.
WIC – the Women, Infants and Children Supplemental food program – was a strict list of approved items on a pre-printed list. What the recipient was authorized, and in what quantity was marked on that list by whoever their program counselor was. It covered everything from infant formula to baby food to milk, eggs, and cheese.
I believe that has now also gone to a preloaded debit card. […]
— Read More: hotair.com
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