U.S. Capitol Police and other police agencies conducted a training exercise on early Sunday morning on the grounds of the Capitol, the department said in a post.
“Sunday, November 19 – starting at 4:00 a.m., we will be conducting a training exercise with our military partners on Capitol Grounds. Please do not be alarmed if you see emergency vehicles,” the U.S. Capitol Police said in a post. No additional information was released by U.S. Capitol Police that elaborated on their initial notice on Saturday.
However, there was footage obtained of the training exercise in front of the Capitol building obtained in the early morning hours on Sunday.
“This is a training exercise,” a man said before being questioned briefly by a police officer.The Capitol Police have been busy this lately dealing with far-left protesters. At DNC, Capitol police attacking protesters & throwing protesters down the stairs. #FreePalestine #CeasefireNowInGaza #AlShifaHospital pic.twitter.com/RwbhejuKTg — #StopCopCity […]
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