The last time I watched Fox News for longer than a clip posted on social media was Election Day, 2020. I’d always felt Fox News was corrupted, “controlled opposition” if you will, but it was that night that I realized they’re actually worse than CNN or MSNBC in their manipulation. With the two leftwing cable news networks, you know up front what to expect. With Fox News, conservatives across the nation are being gaslighted at least 20% of the time if not more.
That’s the key to their propagandist success against their right-leaning viewers. They’ll lambast Critical Race Theory in schools. They’ll hit Joe Biden on the border. They’ll declare how perverse Drag Queen Story Hour is. But in between their “safe” conservative perspectives, they’ll sneak in support for sending more taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. They’ll throw subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) jabs at Donald Trump. They’ll interview Lindsey Graham, Dan Crenshaw, and the other GOP Establishment NeoCons.
In other words, they indoctrinate what I call “Fox News Conservatives” into buying what the right-leaning wing of the UniParty Swamp is selling.
Ever since Election Day, 2020, I’ve wanted to write a piece about Fox News. I’ve hit them with small pieces and mentions on my show sporadically, but I wasn’t inspired to dedicate a full article to the subject until their coordinated attack was launched against Matt Gaetz following his ousting of UniParty Swamp Golden Boy Kevin McCarthy.
I know not everyone is a fan of Gaetz. You don’t have to be his fan to recognize that the response from Fox News has been unhinged for effect. And it’s not just Gaetz that they’re targeting. They’re going after anyone in Congress who wants to make the changes necessary to break up the status quo. Yesterday, I hit Brian Kilmeade for his “interview” of Tim Burchett:
They wanted the Ryan-Boehner-Romney-Bush GOP to rise and for MAGA to fade away. McCarthy was supposed to do that, but now their dream is stunted. Instead of licking their wounds and conspiring to promote the next RINO supervillain, they’re lashing out at the eight patriots who stood up to McCarthy on behalf of America and their constituents.
One such target is Tim Burchett, a Congressman from Tennessee. He went on with Fox News Swamp-shill Brian Kilmeade to discuss what transpired and to look ahead to brighter days for the Republican-controlled House and the nation. The interview started off cordially enough, but half-way into it Kilmeade became obnoxious. It got to the point that he could barely contain his spite toward the anti-McCarthy eight, continuously asking vitriolic questions before cutting Burchett off.
During one comical moment in the interview, Kilmeade interrupted Burchett while he was talking about being interrupted every time he spoke. Watch:
Rep Burchett on why he voted to oust McCarthy, WATCH:
— Brian Kilmeade (@kilmeade) October 4, 2023
This is just another example of why Fox News is failing despite being clearly on top of cable news when Tucker Carlson was still there.
We’ve seen attacks by Fox News against “The Gaetzful Eight” for two straight days. Most hosts have been in full-blown smear-mode. But none of them have been more disgusting to me than what Mark Levin has been saying. My response to one of his smears garnered some attention with over 100K views so far. That’s far from viral, but for my shadowbanned account it’s well beyond my average reach.
As I noted on Twitter in reply to Levin’s attack of Gaetz:
True story about Mark Levin…
He’s currently complaining that Democrats backed the motion to vacate.
But when all but one Democrat backed Kevin McCarthy’s CR, you didn’t hear Levin calling him a moron. You didn’t see him screaming about McCarthy telling lies to conservatives. You didn’t hear a peep from him about McCarthy cutting deals with Chuck Schumer in private.
That’s because Levin and far too many “conservative” media figures are tasked with keeping Fox-News-watching Republicans aligned with the status quo.
People like Levin perpetuate the fiction that it’s all about Republican vs. Democrat. The last thing the powers-that-be want is for people to wake up to the reality that it’s actually the bipartisan, globalist-align UniParty Swamp versus the people.
The best thing @mattgaetz and his allies did was NOT getting rid of McCarthy. The best thing they did was to draw out the #SwampShills so we could recognize them by the agenda they serve.
True story about Mark Levin…
He's currently complaining that Democrats backed the motion to vacate.
But when all but one Democrat backed Kevin McCarthy's CR, you didn't hear Levin calling him a moron. You didn't see him screaming about McCarthy telling lies to conservatives.…
— JD Rucker (@JDRucker) October 5, 2023
BY NO MEANS do I believe Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump, or anyone other than Jesus Christ is above reproach. We are living in polarized times so it’s expected that people like Levin will express their opinions passionately. But the vitriol he’s been spewing seems over-the-top and extraordinarily lopsided.
Whenever attacks are lopsided they come across as hypocritical. Since I do not believe Levin is a hypocrite, I have to conclude he’s part of the Fox News controlled opposition crew.
And that’s disappointing.
Fox vs America
As I noted before, I am a firm believer that CNN and MSNBC do less damage than Fox News because their core audience is already brainwashed. Fox News watchers are generally right-leaning which means they’re generally more individualistic and therefore not aligned with collectivism.
At the end of the day, I believe the purpose of Fox News in their work on behalf of the UniParty Swamp (and therefore the Deep State and the Globalist Elite Cabal) is to herd right-leaning Americans into a collectivist mindset. They want us to follow the herd to get vaccinated. They want us to join the crowd by funding Ukrainian oligarchs. They want us to pretend there was no voter fraud in 2020 or 2022. They want us to think Kevin McCarthy is awesome and Matt Gaetz is evil.
Unfortunately, it’s working. I have friends who are otherwise aligned with my thinking who tell me my opposition to funding Ukraine means I’m a Putin-lover. There are far too many Republicans who think the last two elections were fair and square. And there are many Republicans who were skeptical of the jabs got theirs anyway because of what Sean Hannity or others said. Heck, even Trump has promoted them heavily in large part due to what Hannity and Mike Pence told him.
We need discernment badly. I know many of my readers have already switched to Newsmax, One America News, Real America’s Voice, or any of the other smaller networks. I’m not going to recommend any of them directly, mostly because the ones I consider to be “bad” are still better than Fox News. I’ll let readers discuss it in the comments. The key point is we all need to find news outlets we like that are NOT Fox. We also need to warn our friends and relatives who are still watching Fox News.
As a general rule, any outlet that’s running ads by Pfizer or Moderna are either leftwing or controlled opposition.
We can try to chalk it all up to left-leaning leadership or even ownership at Fox News. That’s partially valid. But we have to assume that they are fully captured by the powers-that-be. That means they’re not just at war with Donald Trump or Matt Gaetz or MAGA in general. They’re at war with America. Unfortunately, most of their viewers don’t realize this.
Propaganda comes in many forms. Sometimes it’s blatant. Other times it’s subtle. But once an outlet goes down the dark path, they should be considered lost forever.
Sound off about this story on my Substack.
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I figured out what Levin was all about when he WOULD NOT talk about vaccines or stolen elections.. That should’ve told everyone all they needed to know.. I used to think of him as a modern day national hero….it’s truly sad what he’s become…!!
You nailed it
Amen brother. He used to bash Trump maniacally in 2016 and never apologized. Glenn Beck apologized for his misdeed.
Suddenly I was disappointed with FOX, I thought they reformed since the Bush Era. They have been great! Fighting for free-thought and free-speech. They were anti-vaccine, anti-covid mandates and against tech censorship. All the NWO power and control plays were coming from CNN and Democrats. Exactly October 1st, it was like a switch got hit, the Israel event. Now they were feverishly propagandizing like fiends saying one side is Evil, vicious dog, subhuman species, barbaric Demons! The other side were wonderful innocent Angels. And we have to attack Iran. Some Rinos were saying the same. I cried when certain members of the Republican Party outed themselves as NeoCons like Ted Cruz and Rick Scott. And then Fox dug out the zombie corpse of Condoleezza Rice, believe it or not, to talk about how American forces must attack Iran. This must be Aipac and War Lobby money getting pumped out by the stacks.
Levin’s passion surfaces when his narcissism flares. Anyone who followed Levin should remember when he backed Ted Cruz over Donald Trump. He constantly denigrated DJT while elevating Cruz. When his audience expressed concern re his blatant bias he realized he had to cease the attacks on Trump.
…And tragically, Levin knows better. I conclude his willful blindness is somehow incentivized, like Hannity. Sean led the pack covering the Steele Dossier, then he suddenly turned to mush. I remember the rest of FOX programming changing around that time
I have to mostly agree with you Mr. Rucker. I am a fan of Mark Levin, but like you, don’t watch any of the FOX programming. I do listen to his radio show, and get tired of him beating up on Republicans he doesn’t agree with. Many of us out here did not like McCarthy at first, though we swallowed our pride and accepted him. I heard many of Gaetz’s arguments and agreed with them. Levin could have accepted what was done and concentrated on how we move forward. Instead he is inciting more division. It’s just not helpful. Than you for having the courage to speak out on this. You’re a true Patriot!
An excellent synopsis Mr. Rucker……nailed it actually. To go along with all this saw where that schill Dana Perino was a speaker at that “honest” outfit known as the Clinton Foundation. She was the one to introduce that hag Hillary with an extremely glowing and complimentary intro. Sickening.
After the 2020 election why Fox watching went down to watching Tucker and an occasional Gutfeld and Jesse Waters. After they axed Tucker ……no mas.
sir, there are two ‘spaces,’ all of us are primarily in one or the other. a’ problem space; we all start there (levin, for example, schooled many of us in this space, but did not set us on a path to the other space:solution space. in fact, levin doesn’t like solution space because it’s very risky. you can lose a lot getting active — let alone committed — in the solution space. money, position, power, fame, friends…lots of things irreparably busted. also, solution space requires STANDING UP off our comfortably conservative asses (where preaching and shadow boxing are so easy), and getting our hands dirty DOING something about the exponentially expanding, increasingly evil problems. Problem space is like fixing the roof, or digging out the foundation to repair it. WORK…like doing God’s Word instead of just reading it, and telling others about it.
sorry, last line is supposed to be, ‘solution space is like…’
Fox and levin etc are entertainment to make money, that is their function. Some shows are entertaining some are not.
Do not expect anything more
I agree…Fox is worse than CNN because of their betrayal and hypocrisy and because they speak with a forked tongue, delude people, and and create confusion. Dems are awful. They are openly immoral, filthy and corrupt…but they promote their debauchery and lawlessness in plain view. RINOs are like serpents masquerading as saints.
I’ve had Levin’s number for a long time…he is definitely a RINO (Uniparty Member…liberal in conservative clothing…Dem in Drag.) He actually thinks he speaks for “us” and don’t realize we have already pegged him as a “them.” I think the corruption is too deep and believe the Republican Party just needs to die. We need to “3D the RNC,”…defund, dismember, destroy. We need a massive “dismembership” campaign where we all re-register as Independents. Leave the RINOs with their handful of never Trumpers and Democrat butt kissers. Smaller numbers of true patriots is better than enemies in the camp. Leaving the Three McStooges with big donors, political hacks, and no voters will send the message they can understand.
Why are so many of you so-called patriots still watching this network and more importantly why are you still funding them with cable, satellite or streaming services. You are funding people that despise you. Starve them. Cancel the service!
If you watch Gaetz and Mace on Rumble – watch and listen to them explain why they and the others did what they did, there can be no option but to congratulate them. They did right.
As far as I’m concerned #FFN #FML #FBK and anyone else who stands in opposition to less spending and that includes Ukraine.
I only watch Real Americas Voice. Everyone else sux.
What a bunch of sniveling babies! Aren’t you smart enough to know what you see and hear to be true? So Levin was for Cruz. So what? Does everyone have to agree on the same candidate? Of course, FNC has an agenda but they put out a lot of good news that isn’t opinion like cnn and msnbc do. Every network, paper, website, and forum has agendas and you are a fool to believe otherwise. If it hadn’t been for FNC blasting the open border every day, I do not believe the pressure would have reached the point it is now. A real moron above said that cnn was better than fnc. That is about the dumbest thing I have heard since Jean Pierre said the border was closed. I watch cnn, msnbc, NewsMax, FNC, and FBC and I’m smart enough to know when they are lying. If you aren’t, then maybe it is best you not watch the news.
The description of Fox News sounds exactly like Republicans.
Still watch John Roberts and Sandra Smith for straight news in the late morning and enjoy Gutfeld during the evening. Also Mark Levin on the weekends. Otherwise I’m watching Newsmax… Rob Schmitt, Eric Bolling and Greg Kelly.
I’m disappointed at Levin.
I never missed his radio shows.
I remember how he HAMMERED TRUMP at 1st (as did Dana Loesh, Glenn Beck) then he got on board so i let it go.
Unlike THESE Pundants i accept other opinions if we generally are on the same page.
But his love of Ukraine, NEVER talking about the RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD, AND NOW THIS McCarthy deal has turned me off!
I am glad McCarthy is gone!
He was weak.
He also agreed to Gaetzs terms so tuff luck some1 finally followed thru!
I defy Mark to tell me we WONT be better off with Jordan or Scalice!
I wont be bullyed by the Great 1!
If he is really the Great 1 then he will get on board or hes gonna lose a lot of ppl.
Dont act like a RINO!
Rucker goes batty at times. This is one of them. Adjust your Reynolds Wrap hat, J.D… you are losing readers with this crap.
Explain where he’s “batty” and tin-foiled. Because calling Gaetz a traitor and for his ouster over parliamentary moves when nothing like that happened for passing that destructive budget tells you what you need to know.
That’s right!
Went to a Tea Party at the urging of Mark Levin.
Bought his books and made my kids read them.
Now I can’t even stomach this leftist clown.
Levin is at best a RINO! I stopped listening to him five years ago. A SCREAMER!
There are no patriots on Fox. All I see is well paid controlled “opposition”. You think people would learn. Remember O’ Reilly? Yeah, everybody was hot about him when he roared out of the gate. Then what, once he had the hook in, he spewed all kinds crap for years passing it off as relevant information. The only guy I ever listened to that gave it to the people straight was Bill Cooper on SW. Paid the ultimate price for trying to reveal the truth. I’ll never forget after the OKC bombing, Clinton made a speech about “words having consequences” in going after the conservatives and patriots in the media. Well, shortly after that speech that big patriot Rush Limbaugh was apoplectic in his innocence of having said anything inflammatory. Rush said, ” It’s not me, it’s this guy living on a mountain top in Arizona”. A thinly veiled reference to Bill Cooper. Just like that, he threw him under the bus. His radio broadcast, books and the millions he was making were being threatened. Instead of showing America he was true patriot, he chose his career and the millions he was making. Just another fake patriot. Be forewarned, they’re still everywhere.