AP Photo/Michael Conroy On Friday, a Manhattan jury found former NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre liable for corruption, and he was ordered to repay the gun rights organization over four million dollars.
FOX News reported a jury found that LaPierre “for three decades misspent millions of dollars of the group’s money on luxury personal purchases.” AFP noted that the jury found that LaPierre used the NRA as his “personal piggy bank,” costing the organization $5.4 million.
AFP pointed out that LaPierre has repaid $1 million of the $5.4 million. LaPierre took the reins of the NRA in 1991 and stepped down last month.
Breitbart News tried for years to interview LaPierre but was always given a reason why the interview could not happen or needed to wait. AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins , a weekly newsletter focused on […]
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