Five activists from the environmental group Just Stop Oil have been sentenced to prison after conspiring to create gridlock on the M25 highway in London.
Roger Hallam, Daniel Shaw, Louise Lancaster, Lucia Whittaker De Abreu and Cressida Gethin were found guilty last week of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance for coordinating protests on the M25 in November 2022. Hallam received a five-year sentence, while the others were sentenced to four years.
The activists reportedly had a Zoom call in which they attempted to recruit more volunteers for a blockade at strategic spots on the motorway. During the call, Hallam stated their intention to cause “the biggest disruption in British modern history” to pressure the UK government into ending new oil and gas exploration in the North Sea, according to The Guardian.
These sentences are the longest ever given in the UK for a non-violent protest. Judge Christopher Hehir, who issued the sentences, stated that the activists had “crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic.” […]
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In the end, the British didn’t need to force thousands of vehicles to idle on Interstates for hours increasing the amount of carbon saturation in the atmosphere than if the idiot protesters just stayed home (BTW, carbon is *not* a toxin or dangerous in any way). All England needed was to elect the Labour Party. The second these hysterics were in power, North Sea oil exploration was ended which will cripple the English economy and cause the costs of everything in the country to rise, as every major economy on Earth is underpinned by cheap, reliable energy. Take a gander at Germany’s teetering economy if you want to see where England is headed. Extremely high power bills are just the beginning for the British people and they’re about to be in a major amount of financial pain they themselves voted to suffer. #IdiotsOnParade #YouCantFixStupid
This is GREAT news. These cultists are a huge public nuisance and could possibly get themselves injured or killed.