The last days and hours of a CIA scientist working in the secretive mind-controlling ‘MKUltra’ program have been revealed for the first time since he died in 1953.
Dr Frank Olson, a biological warfare scientist, was covertly dosed with LSD at a meeting and died nine days later after falling out of his hotel room in New York City, which was declared a suicide – although some people believe he was murdered.
Now, a newly declassified account from Dr Olson’s boss and former head of the Special Operations Division of the Army Chemical Corps has provided a firsthand account of the final moments of the scientist’s life.
Vincent Ruwet wrote that following a meeting on November 19, 1953, when the scientist was drugged, Dr Olson appeared agitated compared to his usual social, ‘life of the party’ behavior.
In the days that followed, Dr Olson became paranoid, barely ate and even disappeared into the night to toss out his wallet, identification badge and money cause he be believed Ruwet asked him to. […]
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