A nutria feasts on swamp plants. (California Department of Fish and Wildlife) California water officials are warning residents and visitors to beware of a dangerous plant found in swamps and rivers as summer arrives.
“Beware of the swamp plant. It’s pretty, pretty terrible!” the California Department of Water Resources posted on X June 6, along with a picture of a creepy hand emerging from the mud.
The water department asked the public to watch out for the water hyacinth and other nonnative aquatic invasive species that can be hazardous for boaters and swimmers.
Nonnative species of water plants, quagga mussels, and zebra mussels are invading the state’s Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta and reservoirs and lakes, the water department reported.Aquatic vegetation damages marina structures and boat launches. The plants become dense mats of weeds and create hazards for boaters, anglers, and swimmers.Quagga mussels are small freshwater mussels that have invaded North American lakes and […]
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