I am so excited about some of the incredible archaeological discoveries that are being made in the land of Israel. In our time, we get to see ancient locations that literally haven’t been seen for centuries. But even more importantly, many of the discoveries that are being made in the land of Israel confirm important details of Biblical accounts. In particular, some of the things that archaeologists have found at the ancient city of Shiloh are absolutely amazing. But first, I want to discuss the excavation work that has been happening at the Pool of Siloam. Ancient steps that Jesus literally stepped on are being uncovered for the first time in nearly 2,000 years, and the site will soon be open to the general public. The following comes from Fox News…
A new excavation project in Jerusalem has unearthed steps unseen in over 2,000 years at a place where the New Testament records Jesus as having healed a blind man.
The Israel Antiquities Authority, the Israel National Parks Authority and the City of David Foundation early this year announced that the Pool of Siloam, a biblical site cherished by Christians and Jews, will be open to the public for the first time in 2,000 years in the near future.
In recent weeks, archeologists achieved significant progress in the excavation, unearthing some eight steps descending into the Pool which had not been seen in 2,000 years — around the time when Jesus walked the earth.
I have read the account of Jesus at the Pool of Siloam countless times.
But I never imagined that any of us would ever get the chance to actually be there.
As you can see from the video below, the steps that they are excavating are remarkably well preserved…
I would love to visit this site someday and see all that they have uncovered.
But it could be argued that the discoveries that archaeologists are making at Shiloh are even more amazing.
It would be difficult to overstate the important of Shiloh. Prior to the time of King David, it had been ancient Israel’s most important city for centuries, and it was also the location where the Tabernacle stood…
“The city of Shiloh, located in the heart of the Biblical hill country, became the first capital of Israel shortly after the conquest of Canaan around 1400 BC.
“The city was the cultural, religious, and political centre of the nation.
“Therefore, it was here that Israel pitched the Tabernacle and here the Ark of the Covenant dwelt before it was put into the Temple in Jerusalem at the time of Solomon.”
Dr. Scott Stripling is the director of excavation at Shiloh, and during a recent interview with CBN he shared evidence that indicates that his team has been uncovering the precise location where the Tabernacle once stood…
We asked Stripling if he believed they’d actually found the Tabernacle. He answered, “I’m not ready to say I know for certain, but I’ll tell you what we do have is a building that is matching the dimensions of the Tabernacle. It’s from the Iron One period, which is the Tabernacle period of Eli and Samuel, and you’re actually standing right now, Chris, on this wall right here.”
“So this entire area is this massive, monumental building. (It) orients east-west and it’s divided on 2 to 1 ratio, like the Tabernacle was,” Stripling explained.
I was absolutely stunned when I first read that.
But there is more.
According to Professor Tom Meyer, a series of holes in the bedrock that could have supported the posts of the Tabernacle have been discovered.
In addition, three stone horns “that once adorned three of the four corners of the horned altar in the Tabernacle” have been also found…
Professor Meyer said: “This area, known as the ‘Tabernacle Plateau’, is sufficiently large enough to house the 150’x75’ Tabernacle courtyard.
“Archaeologists found small cavities hewn into the bedrock of the plateau at intervals; these were perhaps postholes used to support the wooden poles of the outer Tabernacle fence.
“Nearby, archaeologists also discovered three stone horns that once adorned three of the four corners of the horned altar in the Tabernacle courtyard.”
I really do not understand why all of this has not been getting more attention.
On top of everything else, there are the countless animal bones that are still waiting to be fully excavated.
The presence of these animal bones is very strong evidence that this was a place where animal sacrifices were done on a very large scale…
As we stood over the site, Stripling said, “This is unexcavated, underneath your feet, and my feet is about (4 feet) of solid bone, waiting to be excavated. Bone on top of bone, on top of bone. And we have micros stratigraphy in this area so we can see that the deposition is laid down over a long period of time, just like the Bible says.”
When asked what kind of bones would be found there, he replied, “Sheep, goat, cow – and disproportionately from the right side of the animal.”
The workers had uncovered, just that morning, jaw bones coming from the right side of the animals.
“Why is the right side so significant?” he asked. “Well, the priests are the ones who live here, and Leviticus 7 tells us that the right side of the animal is the priest’s portion. So, I can’t make this stuff up. You know, you got a hundred thousand bones and they’re disproportionate. Give me another explanation. It just happens to coordinate with what the Bible says.”
In the video that I have posted below, you can watch Dr. Stripling discuss some of these remarkable discoveries…
The things that I have shared with you in this article are incredible, but we continue to wait for the biggest archaeological bombshell of all.
I believe that in our time the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant will be publicly revealed.
The Temple Institute has openly admitted that they know exactly where it is, and once the discovery of the Ark is finally made public everything will change.
So keep a very close eye on the land of Israel, because the discoveries that have been announced so far are just the tip of the iceberg.
Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here. Article cross-posted from End of the American Dream.
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And the world powers berate and punish the Jews (with the approval and/or apathy of the masses) because they have stubbornly regained control over the so-called West Bank territories which are the heart of their faith and history.
Why? Because of the Muslim-Christians of the West petrodollar alliance, and their deep hatred of the Jews and God Almighty.
Payback upon the nations is coming!
Actually, it is Christians who, time and again, protect and aid the nation of Israel, despite the blindness of the overwhelming majority of Jews, who stubbornly reject their own Messiah. This is why, that soon He will return in judgment, and only a remnant of His chosen will be spared. God has taken similar actions against this stubborn people over and again, and yet they never listen.
Consider reading the writing on the wall, and joining the remnant, or you will soon be joining your ancestors in Sheol.
Yeah, except the “Jews” that live there now and claim this land are not genetically linked to the Hebrew speaking peoples that the old testament and the Torah revolve around. They are descendants of fake Jews that took over that religion and come from what is modern day eastern Europe.
Don’t take my word for it, these fake Jews admit it openly. The have published DNA studies showing that the vast majority of modern Israel population has zero genetic links to the people that originally settled this land.
Since the diaspora of 70 AD, most Jews know little about their genetic history, including their tribe of origin. Many do not even realize that they are Jewish.
Those Romans new exactly what to do with inbred, racist supremacist $J$E$W$ demon-worshiping terrorists!
Are you serious, “punish the Jews”? Is that you Adam Schiff?
Good article on more things of the Bible being dug out of the earth in Israel.
May not prove God or His Word (Bible) as true to certain folk, but the continuing
flow of items from the dirt makes it harder to invalidate what the Bible does say
or mention. If enough ‘X’ items of the Bible are proven, then other things should
be true also.
A Bible-load of prophecy is about to happen in the future, likely near future. If
that doesn’t draw the attention of men, then nothing likely will.
These items, and likely more in the coming days, help us that do believe God’s
Word is real, are appreciative of these finds. It gives more assurances, and
trust in His Word.
Thanks for carrying the article on this archaeological news!
Fentress C. Horner fch sends
Mythogical things often have there basis in fact.
Answer this for Christian:
1) God is all powerful
2) God loves us
Yet the best solution he could come up with was allowing his son to be murdered to save us from our sins. Could he not just willed these away? God’s child would have been taken from him and he would be considered an abusive parent by today standards. Yet you won’t question this because you’re a brainwashed sheep.
God let’s evil persist and tons of maladies. If he does exist he is a sadist, who does not care.
The Bible has a lot of good moral value and good advice on how to treat one’s fellow man. So it has value. The myth has zero.
“Mythological things often have there basis in fact.”
Is a myth still a myth when backed up by facts?
Chronic butthurt much, hater?
No one asked you for your opinion on the Jewish or Christian faiths.
Suggestion:: Next time you come on a thread to belittle someone, consider learning to spell, FIRST.
In answer to: “God let’s evil persist and tons of maladies”, God did not make robots, He made people who make their own decisions and suffer the consequences of those decisions. If He removes all the maladies and evil, how will man know what is wrong and right? God made man and the garden. Man decided they knew better even when God warned them. Soon God will end all of this, but in the mean time man still refuses to obey God and do their own thing and then complain about “God let’s evil persist and tons of maladies”. If you are truly interested in ending all of this, all mankind has to do is ask forgiveness and obey God.
Bet you wouldn’t say that to my face, ignorant BIGOT!
Ps. Enjoy Hell.
Never fails.
Couldn’t go a single article without the Anti-semites and Anti-christians showing up with their hate.
Tissue, miss?
For all the arrogant, petty tyrants that would rather rule in hell, than serve in Heaven, so be it. A mere moment on earth can cost you an eternity in hell. It just isn’t worth it brother.
As for the “ark”, it is in heaven according to John in Revelation. The Bible is true and you will not find the “ark” here on the earth.
“The best solution he could come up with…”
The proud will fall hardest.
I think you meant, ‘their,’ miss.
Tissue, miss??
I read some really UNTRUTHS about the Christ here. “Wide is the gate that leads to destruction”. I read here there are some scheduled for TORMENT and this TORMENT WILL LAST FOREVER. Some ‘read’ the BIBLE. And immediately PERVERT IT to their needs. And many hate my Lord. It is fine, until the bell tolls for them.
A prayer for the biblical DOLTS out there, an easy one- “I believe Lord, help me in my unbelief”…He will.
God is REAL.
God is LOVE.
The Jews are proof the Bible is REAL. And yes, the Jews fumbled the ball-BUT THEY ARE STILL MY GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE…FLAWS INCLUDED…so many unbelievers-I WAS ONE until HE CAME LITERALLY into my life, changing me forever. GREAT IS THE LORD. Those that are uninformed, well, you are simply DOOMED.
Jesus said. For I tell you (jew), you (jew) will not see me again until you (jew) say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ So the way I see it it is the jews as a whole (remnant or those left alive) who ushers in Jesus’ 2nd coming.
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ONE PEOPLE have made the CALL