(End of the American Dream)—Survey after survey has shown that Americans overwhelmingly agree that this country is moving in the wrong direction. So how did we get here? I often write about the economy, politics, crime, immigration, homelessness, corruption, drugs, the mainstream media, online censorship, government surveillance, war and many other challenges that our nation is facing. But none of them is America’s biggest problem. Ultimately, America’s biggest problem is the fact that our country has become completely saturated with evil. From the very top of society to the very bottom of society, we have eagerly embraced evil, and just about every form of wickedness that you can possibly imagine is exploding all around us. If we do not reverse course, there is no future for us.
Once upon a time, Washington D.C. was a beacon of hope for the rest of the world, but now it has become an epicenter of evil.
Many years ago I actually worked in Washington D.C., and even at that time I could literally feel the evil in the air. I am sure that it is even worse now.
Everyone knows that our politicians are deeply corrupt, and many of them do things that should get them sent to prison for a very long time.
On Monday, another batch of Epstein documents was released to the public, and the allegations that they contain are being described as “explosive”…
Another batch of documents from a defamation lawsuit related to Jeffrey Epstein were released on Monday morning.
The Gateway Pundit obtained the 17 new documents on Monday and they are explosive!
The new documents, which were reviewed by this reporter, reveal there are alleged sex tapes of Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson.
“When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filed on each separate occasion by Jeffery,” said the witness, Sarah Ransome.
Of course the entire Jeffrey Epstein scandal is only a very small fraction of the overall picture.
For years, those that have been raped and abused by our leaders have been coming forward, but none of our leaders are ever held accountable. So the sex crimes are just going to continue. But as bad as our politicians are, our scientists are often even worse.
Many like to point a finger at Dr. Fauci, and he is certainly unspeakably evil, but the truth is that there are thousands of other mad scientists running around that are just like him. And they are doing things that should never, ever be done.
Let me give you a perfect example of what I am talking about. It is being reported that a team of crazed scientists has used “human fetal brain tissue” to create “minibrains” which are used in very sick and twisted experiments…
For the first time, scientists have grown cerebral organoids — three-dimensional, lab-grown “minibrains” — from human fetal brain tissue.
The new organoids grew to the size of a grain of rice and contained many types of cells that self-organized into complex 3D structures. The researchers also triggered the growth of brain tumors within the minibrains and tested the tumors’ response to existing cancer drugs.
There was a time when science was considered to be a noble profession. Sadly, those days are long gone.
At this moment, men and women in lab coats all over the globe are involved in very serious crimes against humanity, and none of them will ever be held accountable either.
Meanwhile, the crime wave that is plaguing communities all over America just continues to grow.
If you can believe it, approximately one out of every thirty people living in Oakland, California had a vehicle stolen last year…
One in thirty Oakland residents had their car stolen last year as 15,000 vehicles were stolen – a 45 percent increase in just a year.
The shocking figure is the highest in 15 years.
However, less than five percent of those auto theft cases lead to an actual arrest as the California city’s understaffed and underfunded police department are preoccupied dealing with a 21 percent spike in violent crime. And there are also just two police officers assigned to deal with car theft.
Of course it isn’t just property crime that is on the rise.
Our streets are literally teeming with sexual predators, and some of the crimes that they are committing could have been pulled right out of a horror movie…
A Texas man has been arrested for kidnapping and holding a woman hostage after snatching her off the street nearly five years ago when she was pregnant.
Lee Carter, 52, has been charged with aggravated kidnapping after police discovered the victim locked in a garage attached to his Houston home.
Court documents revealed on April 7, 2023 officers from the Houston Police Department were dispatched to 5251 Perry Street in Houston in reference to a kidnapping in progress when they heard a voice coming from the garage.
Video from Fox 26 shows officers breaking the window of the garage where they found a dog and a mattress inside in the area police believe the victim was held captive.
Had you heard about that story before reading this article?
Probably not.
It barely made a blip in the news cycle, and that is because this sort of thing happens all the time these days.
At this stage of our societal collapse, even many of our teachers are sexual predators.
This week, we learned that a teacher in Florida is being charged with sexually exploiting an 8th-grade boy after authorities discovered “28 sex videos of them together on his phone”…
A teacher in Orange County, Florida, is facing federal charges after the parents of her former 8th-grade student found 28 sex videos of them together on his phone.
The teacher, Marie-Jo Gordo, was indicted on three counts of sexually exploiting a minor on Wednesday. The jury determined that she “(enticed) a minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct” and then “(produced) a visual depiction of such conduct.”
The Orlando Sentinel reports, “Federal investigators said the student’s parents found video of Marie-Jo Gordo and their underage son, whom she taught in 2019, having sex in what appeared to be vehicles and hotel rooms throughout Central Florida. The videos were taken between June and September of 2023 and three were described in court filings.”
If you send your children to our public schools, you are just asking for trouble.
Plus, the quality of the “education” that they will receive will be absolutely pathetic. But that is a subject for another article.
Sadly, many of our churches are also filled with sexual predators. And I am not just talking about those sitting in the audience.
Almost every day there is another story in the news about some prominent preacher that is being investigated for something.
And as Jonathan Cahn has aptly observed, even the Pope has gone completely off the rails at this point…
Everywhere you look, evil is growing.
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Our culture is rotting and decaying all around us, and as Victor Davis Hanson has explained, this process has accelerated significantly over the past six months…
In the last six months, we have borne witness to many iconic moments evidencing the collapse of American culture.
The signs are everywhere and cover the gamut of politics, the economy, education, social life, popular culture, foreign policy, and the military. These symptoms of decay share common themes.
Our descent is self-induced; it is not a symptom of a foreign attack or subterfuge. Our erosion is not the result of poverty and want, but of leisure and excess. We are not suffering from existential crises of famine, plague, or the collapse of our grid and fuel sources. Prior, far poorer, and war-torn generations now seem far better off than what we are becoming.
So what is the solution? As a nation, we should immediately change direction and we should be crying out for mercy.
Unfortunately, that just isn’t happening. Instead, we are running away from God as rapidly as we can. The following comes from an article recently authored by Hal Lindsey…
But the greatest danger facing America is its arrogant dismissal of the God whose blessings it daily squanders. Vast portions of the population spend their blessings from God on activities that demean humanity and exalt evil. In this, the US is joined by most of the world. At a time when the human race should be humbled before an unprecedented potential for destruction, nations arrogantly spit in God’s face at every opportunity.
Most Americans don’t realize it yet, but time is running out for our country.
If we stay on the path that we are on, there is no hope.
We desperately need a national awakening, because otherwise our story will not end well.
Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
It’s the main problem alright. So much so that you can’t write an article stating as much without almost immediately platforming and referencing the gateway pundit, which is owned by an unrepentant homosexual. You can’t even write about the problem without contributing to it at the same time.
Overlooking, justifying, and making excuses for wickedness as long as they’re on “our side” is the main reason for the rot. That’s exactly how we got into this mess in the first place. That is the source of the rot. And this very article demonstrates it.
Every time you turn around republicans are platforming unrepentant homosexuals, and in some cases transvestites like Bruce Jenner.
Just last night I followed a link at liberty daily, were Mark Levin interviewed Douglass Murray. I’d never heard of Douglass Murrray, so I did some research. Well no surprise, he is an unrepentant homosexual.
The republican party has endorsed and supported wickedness. Just in the past few years officially recognizing the log cabin crowd, holding shindigs at mar-a-lago, holding up the flag of porneia which is a blatant bastardization and usurpation of God’s rainbow (though a reminder to them that God will keep His word – if they remain unrepentant, they absolutely will go to Hell, no ifs ands or buts).
Let me tell you, there’s no caveat in God’s word that says it’s ok as long as they’re on our “side” and say some things we agree with. There are no exceptions to Prov. 17:15. There are no exceptions to 1 Cor. 5.
If Almighty God says don’t do it, then DON’T DO IT.
Our job is to honor and obey the Lord. The results are His domain. It’s not our place to try to outsmart Him. We cannot know, understand, and foresee the ramifications as He does.
There are more important things than winning elections. And until we realize that and live by it, we will be a part of the problem, not the solution.
Well, Ben, how can anyone refute your opinions? Let’s start with the beginning. You talk about endorsing and supporting wickedness. So, let’s break down your comments and reveal where the real wickedness occurs. Based on your perspective, Wickedness is straying from the directives of scripture. So, let’s look at scripture versus our opinions since we agree it is the final authority. I’m assuming by judging someone as being repentant versus unrepentant, they, of course, would not be a “Christian.”
As a Christian myself, I typically have to push back against the false narrative that Christians are not supposed to judge. The scripture most taken out of context is Matthew, “Judge not lest ye judge.” Of course, that verse isn’t really about judgment at all but about judging in hypocrisy. There are over 50 scripture verses that dictate how Christians are to judge. There are, however, three instances where scripture is very clear about what we are NOT to judge. Ironically, one of them is found in 1 Corinthians 5:12: For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? Of course, this is a directive that we are not to judge those outside the Church, i.e., non-Christians.
Now, the other problem is that I didn’t see anywhere in Scripture where God endowed you with the authority to judge a person’s heart. To determine if someone is or isn’t repentant about something that happens in the heart and mind. You have no idea what these people struggle with or don’t struggle with and think we are supposed to show love, not condemnation. That’s not for us to decide.
Returning to Matthew, it says, “Judge not lest ye judge.’ If we finish the passages, it goes on to say that the measure you use to judge another will be the measure by which you are judged. It then goes on to say that we need to remove the plank in our eye before trying to remove the speck of dust in our neighbor’s eye.
So, let’s look at what the actual source of rot in our Country is. The things you describe are the symptoms of the problem, not the actual problem. We could start with the Country that has turned from God. Fair enough. But why is that? How did such evil become so mainstream?
Let’s go back 30 years. That’s when the school system was hijacked by progressives with the efforts to start indoctrinating our children. What were you doing back then in a productive manner to push back against that. How many school board meetings did you attend? How many letters did you write to your congressman? How many groups did you organize in your community to push back against that? You don’t have to answer the question; think about it. Of course, I don’t know you, so these are all rhetorical questions posed, but you will see the answer.
Let’s move forward a bit. Are you on Facebook? Were you on Twitter? Facebook has been the most instrumental tool used by Satan to create groupthink to mainstream evil in the world. Not only with the alphabet nonsense, but we can be sure Trump would be in the White House right now were it not for social media. The country wouldn’t have been shut down, nor a dangerous and ineffective vaccine pushed down our throats without social media. Effective treatments and medications wouldn’t have been suppressed, leaving tens of thousands of people dead without social media. All the people who were intubated and killed with Remdesivir, which is what shut their organs down, wouldn’t have happened without social media. Now again, perhaps you didn’t participate in social media, and if that’s the case, good for you. However, if, like one of my other friends, you try to justify using it because it’s the only way to keep up with your family and don’t engage in political discussions, well, those are just rationalizations. I think you would agree there is no innocent use of instruments of evil, especially when they provide no actual benefit to society besides entertainment.
Let’s move on to the NFL. The NFL has gone out of its way to tear down the traditions and culture in our nation. It has pushed a false narrative of police targeting minorities that is not supported by any data but instead fueled by emotional rhetoric. They have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to efforts to undermine and demonize police officers, which have led to record numbers of police officers being targeted and murdered and also led to an innocent cop being jailed for the death of a criminal drug addict high on drugs at the time of the arrest. So, I’m assuming you are not a participant in watching football or other similar professional sports teams that engage in similar conduct.
Now, let’s move on to Amazon. Millions of dollars are donated annually to push far-left agendas. They engage in intentional suppression of conservative literature while pushing gay and lesbian agendas. Again, Amazon is empty calories. It provides nothing but convenience. Nothing more.
Now, I could go on and on and on, but I think hopefully you got the message. You see, this is what Matthew is talking about. Before you put yourself in the place of God to decide and judge what is in people’s hearts, you had better make sure that your back story is free of any contributions to the falling out of our culture.
If you look at the passage of I Corinthians, let’s get an idea of how much you missed. It clearly says I did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world… So you also engaged in another no-no according to scripture, and that is adding or detracting from scripture to alter the meaning. Deuteronomy 12:32: “Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it.
9 I wrote to you in my epistle not to [f]keep company with sexually immoral people. 10 Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person. 12 For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? 13 But those who are outside God judges. Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.”
I agree with you that until we realize that and live by it, we will be a part of the problem, not the solution. So, let’s go and pull that plant out of our eye before worrying about anyone else.
If you understand scripture versus cherry-picking the parts that support your opinions, you will know that we are in the end times. Prophecy is going to be fulfilled, and the USA is not a player in anything that happens in the end times, so our Nation is destined to collapse and be inert. You would also know that the commandment we have as Christians is not to engage ourselves in affairs of the world since we are sojourners, not residents of this world. The goal of Christians, I believe, is to be a witness to the people who are lost and struggling in this evil system where desperation and despair are becoming more commonplace as people are unable to grasp how this can be happening in our Country.
Ultimately, it’s happening because of conservatives, not Liberals. Liberals have done precisely what they said they were going to do. They haven’t lied about anything. It’s the Republicans who have lied for decades to the point where they are openly colluding with the Democrats to destroy our nation. Trump ending up in the White House certainly shed light on how corrupt and unethical our Government has become. Right now, we have the Current Speaker of the House, who is a deep state operative, picking up right where McCarthy left off, intentionally withholding the Jan 6 footage to assist the Democrats in continuing the insurrection narrative, which is absurd.
Where are the Republicans demanding this footage be released immediately? Oh, they went to the border because suddenly there was a crisis. Next, they are pursuing more investigations into Hunter Biden as if the three years they’ve had and the evidence that everyone on the planet has seen isn’t enough. What’s next? Another investigation. More outrage from people like Tom Cotton or Josh Hawley. Two more phonies. Every single Republican in the nation should be demanding, not asking, demanding this footage be released immediately or start the process of actually impeaching people. But republicans won’t do anything. They sit on social media and sites like this and whine and bellyache about the state of the Nation. Liberals get out and fight for what they want, but conservatives won’t get off their easy chairs.
I mean, we don’t have time to be meeting with our congressman and demand action and accountability. We have a Super Bowl party to plan. Your faux outrage is noted. Let’s stop worrying about what other people are doing to have contributed to the fall of our nation before we go into our bathrooms and look over our sinks to see the most likely cause that was within our control.
James, you are missing the meaning of 1 Cor. 5:10. Notice, “since then you would need to go out of the world”. In other words, given the rampant sexual immorality of greece and rome at the time, it was nearly impossible to avoid the sexually immoral entirely. Just like us now, it’s nearly impossible to go to the grocery store and buy food to survive, to not go out of this world, without supporting a company that we shouldn’t.
Verse 11 begins “BUT NOW … ” in other words, it reached a point where they were told not to deal with them at all.
Verse 12 and 13 means to not go out into the world and actively judge the world. And I’m not doing that. I am not juding them (and the greek there has a legal connotation, which means to charge, convict, and punish – it does not refer to our modern English use of the word judge i.e., simply to criticize or call out sin). I’m saying that I cannot endorse what I cannot endorse.
If they continue in sin then they are unrepentant.
” 7 Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. 8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. ” – 1 John 3:7-9
There are no exceptions for whether or not one “struggles”
“2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. 4 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. … ” – 1 John 5:2-4
Two points there.
A) In verse 2, how do we love? By keeping His commandments. You cannot love your neighbor if you do not first love the Lord thy God.
B) In verse 3, the commandments of God are not burdensome. God’s commandments, His standards, are the epitome of love. To call failure to honor them a “struggle” is to insult Him. Duet. 19 says your eye shall not pity those who suffer the consequences of sin.
Your logic is about like saying I should endorse and overlook theft because somebody struggles with kleptomania. No. If they continue to steal, then they’re still an unrepentant thief. Hello?
All that aside, I haven’t judged anyone at all. You might feel “judged” because you disagree and/or because you feel some conviction. I don’t know. But I haven’t judged anyone. I’ve simply stated that I, and many Christians of the same mind, who know what the scripture says, cannot endorse wickedness, and cannot violate our conscience.
If you truly are a Christian, then you would not be trying to talk a brother in Christ into violating his conscience.
If you want to endorse sin for political reasons, that is between you and the Lord. But don’t go around trying to demand that everybody else do the same, just to get your “side” elected.
Using your own flawed reasoning, one could justify voting for any party and any candidate, no matter what. One could take your reasoning and justify voting for democrats just as easily as voting for republicans. So you have nullified your own argument. Your entire argument, James, is self refuting. You’re trying to ride the fence, and that doesn’t work.
James a lot has indeed changed in the past 30 years, especially as it relates to porneia. They are now “out and proud”, in everyone’s face, waving their flag, making a mockery of God’s institution of marriage, trying to force everyone else to give affirmation or else.
30 years ago, I did associate with some homosexuals. Right, I’ve lived and worked in this world just like everybody else. Went to school with some. Worked with some. I’d say hello in the morning. I’d speak with them, and be neighborly.
30 years ago, you didn’t even know who was homosexual and who wasn’t.
But not anymore. Now I avoid them like the plague. BUT NOW … I “from such turn away” (2 Tim 3)
Why? Because it is now such that you cannot associate at all without giving implicit endorsement. They have pushed and encroached too far.
You are the one cherry-picking scripture, James. And you need to back off. As you’re trying to chastise me for “judging”, you’re doing the same to me.
The Lord knows which of us is justifying wickedness and condemning righteousness.
The circumstances of 1 Cor. 5 almost exactly describe the past 30 years.
Once it infiltrated, and was imposed on believers, they were told not to associate at all.
Don’t miss that point. “But now …” means once the sexually immoral crossed that line, the way we deal with it must change.
Those who pervert the grace of God into a license for immorality, are condemned from long ago – Jude, 2 Peter 2, etc. If it reaches a point where you would be affirming and endorsing sin. If it reaches a point where you would be perverting the grace of God into a license to sin. Then you must change direction. We cannot cross that line.
But regardless of whether or not your conscience, and your understanding of scripture, is not the same as mine, you have no right whatsoever to try to tell me that I must violate my conscience. Your response to me here is exactly why I no longer support the republican party. You have shown, just by posting, that you are intent on forcing others to violate their conscience. And that is all the more reason NOT to vote for you.
How do you read something like this? The subject narrative meanders in different directions and as the reader attempts to understand the title “America’s Biggest Problem” they must navigate a maze of advertisements interspersed within the excessive words. The eyes grow tired and bored and the reader closes the window unsatisfied and feeling a bit mislead and their time wasted.
‘America’s biggest problem is the fact that our country has become completely saturated with evil’
Absolutely. And on top of that, the article doesn’t get anywhere close to naming our biggest problems.
Signs of the Times:
There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires II Timothy 3:1-6
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12
Demon Crap politicians get away with evil because the most evil group of people in America elect them, the mass murdering baby killers. A state that allows baby murdering is a failed, evil state. American females are mostly psychopaths. Who will they vote to kill next?
I’ll tell you the same thing. If you are on Facebook, watch football, Marvel films, Star Wars, or use Amazon, then you are part of what helped evil take root in our society. Let’s clean up our backyard before we start pointing fingers.
The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted. Psa. 12:8
I wonder if awakening means understanding that Democrats and Republicans are just part of a left vs right paradigm setup decades ago to keep us divided.