(End of the American Dream)—Since the time of Moses, only nine red heifers have been sacrificed. Now, a “massive altar” for the tenth red heifer sacrifice has been built in Israel, and there is a tremendous amount of speculation that it could happen soon. In September 2022, five red heifers were flown from the state of Texas to the land of Israel. Since that time, one of them has been disqualified, but the other four continue to be candidates for a red heifer sacrifice. As I discussed last week, there was “a practice run of the purification ceremony” in 2023. But an official ceremony must be conducted before the heifers get too old to be used for such a sacrifice.
So will a red heifer be sacrificed in Israel in 2024?
According to CBS News, a “massive altar” has already been constructed. In the video that I have embedded below, you can see footage of this altar starting at the two minute mark…
I was absolutely floored when I first saw that.
A red heifer sacrifice would need to happen on the Mount of Olives, and the land where the sacrifice would take place is owned by Rabbi Yitshak Mamo…
According to those working on the project, the ceremony of the red heifer needs to be performed on the Mount of Olives, and in a place that would have looked directly into where the Temple stood. The land directly east of the Temple Mount, purchased 12 years ago, meets both of those standards.
Rabbi Yitshak Mamo owns that land on the Mount of Olives. Mamo is with Uvne Yerusalim, a group that preserves Israel’s history and works to educate future generations.
Concerning the specifics of the land, he told CBN News, “It had to be exactly at the front of the place that the priest that made this ceremony can see the Holy of the Holy Place.”
But the clock is ticking. If the heifers get too old, they will no longer qualify.
During a recent public appearance, Mamo explained that “we are very close to the third year of these cows”…
“If there is any [mathematicians] here, so you can understand that we are very close to the third year of these cows,” reveals Mamo. “Which means that with the help of God, we will get permission from God and from the people to make the ceremony. And then we can be pure.”
Recently, there has been a lot of buzz that we could actually see a red heifer sacrifice very soon.
Last month, All Israel News reported that the Temple Institute wants to conduct a sacrifice “before Passover 2024”…
As of now, four of the heifers remain blemish-free and, according to Temple Institute rabbis, they hope to carry out the ceremony before Passover 2024.
This year, the Jewish people will celebrate Passover on April 22nd.
That is about a month away.
During a recent broadcast, Glenn Beck also discussed the possibility that a red heifer sacrifice could happen in the very near future. The following is an excerpt from a transcript of that broadcast…
If you’re going to rebuild the temple, you need to purify it.
And purifying it, according to the book of numbers, chapter 19, is a heifer. A red heifer ceremony. That results in the creation of ash and water mixture.
And that cleanses the entire nation of Israel. From ritual impurity.
And then the ceremony requires some of the blood to be sprinkled at the front of the tabernacle. That later became the temple.
It usually took place at the Mount of Olives, where they are planning on doing this again in the coming days.
It is essential for all aspects of the temple, and temple worship to take place.
In addition, anyone participating in temple worship, would be required to be sprinkled with the ash water.
Beyond that, even without the presence of a physical temple, the ceremony, would be — would allow the general population to be ritually cleansed and remove much of the religious prohibition for a Jewish presence, on the Temple Mount.
When are they planning on doing it?
Well, they imported these red heifers before October 7th.
We now know that Hamas said, that this was going to — this was part of the reason, because they’re going to use the red heifers to purify the temple, which is desecration to them.
Purifying them, so they can then, actually, go up, and even if there’s no temple. They can pray as if they were in the temple.
They’re going to do this, passover weekend. So Easter weekend.
There has been a lot of speculation on social media that a red heifer sacrifice could potentially take place on March 29th because the “Sabbath of the red heifer” begins at sundown that evening…
Shabbat Parah for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Friday, 29 March 2024 and ends at nightfall on Saturday, 30 March 2024. This corresponds to Parashat Tzav.
Shabbat Parah (“Sabbath [of the] red heifer” שבת פרה) takes place on the Shabbat before Shabbat HaChodesh, in preparation for Passover. Numbers 19:1-22 describes the parah adumah (“red heifer”) in the Jewish temple as part of the manner in which the kohanim and the Jewish people purified themselves so that they would be ready (“pure”) to sacrifice the korban Pesach.
I have not been able to find any confirmation that a sacrifice will happen on March 29th.
So I don’t know if we will see anything happen on that date or not.
But I do believe that the Temple Institute fully intends to conduct a red heifer sacrifice at some point in 2024. And when that happens, Israel’s enemies are going to go haywire.
As CBS News has reported, Hamas has actually admitted that the red heifers were one of the reasons why they attacked Israel on October 7th…
When Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida began a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza, one confounding yet eye-opening proclamation escaped the headlines. Listing the motives for the Palestinian militant group’s Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, he accused Jews of “bringing red cows” to the Holy Land.
The cows he was talking about are red heifers, which now graze at a secure, undisclosed location in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Some Jews and Christians believe they’re key to rebuilding the Jewish temple that once stood in Jerusalem, and to beckoning the Messiah.
Once Israel’s enemies realize that a red heifer has been sacrificed, they are going to go absolutely nuts.
So this is a really big deal.
Let’s keep watching and praying, because it appears that events in the Middle East are about to get very, very interesting.
Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
So red heifer sacrifices are bad but cannibalism in Haiti is culturally okay???
Sad how both Zionists and Islamists continue mixing politics and religion, for a self-righteous heresy.
Jesus commands us to separate “God and Caesar”, or you’ll never know peace.
Religion is politics, politics is religion. Impossible to separate. As possible to separate as water from H2O.
You conflate God with man’s religion/politics. Intentionally or ignorantly?
Religion: Any object of conscientious regard and pursuit. Webster’s dictionary.
The red heifers have NOTHING to do with Caesar! They are part of God’s direction to the Jews and they respect His commandments to them in the OT, just as you respect the commandments of Christ in the NT. Quite frankly, you cannot separate politics from religion. Christian’s can’t either…and don’t. The idea that you can compartmentalize your faith as separate from your responsibility to hold government in check is ludicrous. The very command o “earnestly contend for the faith” means your fight includes the public square…especially in a democratic Republic where the moral values of government are shaped by individuals and the moral values of individuals are shaped by their faith.
Christan Zionism is heresy!
Christian Zionism https://christianzionism.org
Nope…not so! Christians who do NOT support Israel and their right to the land God promised them in the very book Christians claim to believe are the heretics. An Israeli can certainly come to faith in Jesus as well…and that does not negate his belief that God gave Israel to the Jews…just as the Bible says.
Why are you pushing the false doctrine of Darbyism? According to 2 Thessalonians 2, 3 that day,(what day?) the day Jesus gathers his flock, will not happen until the man of sin is revealed, and how is he revealed? When he sits on the throne in the temple proclaiming himself god, which will cause most evangelical Zionist, dispensationalists to fall away.
There are unearthed documents showing that the early church, as far back as the 2nd century, taught that the church is the salt (preservative) of the earth and prevents that man of sin (antichrist) from taking his place until the restrainer be taken out of the way (harpazo).
They were teaching the doctrine of harpazo before the antichrist could be revealed, as far back as the 2nd century!
Discussions on the rapture were taking place during the 2nd century baby!!!
Darbyism was the wrong hill to die on… Should have looked further back in church history, friend…
The son of perdition needs to be revealed first and falling away before, so how then can we be taken out of the way first before the son of perdition be revealed?
Judaism is a devil worshiping, inbred superstitious bigot cult. They and their mentally stunted and criminal allies lie about EVERYTHING.
People who throw all individuals into some racial pot and then claim “they” are all guilty of this or that are the real devils. I smell sulphur on YOU!
That is not sulphur you smell, but rather the scent of feces and lies that reside in your head. You are very sad.
Jesus was jewish you clown
Whatever the Israelis do to purify the temple site and rebuild their temple to summon the messiah is fine with me. Despite some of the hateful comments, I want the Jewish people to know you have staunch Christian supporters in America. Shalom!
Israel is against Gods annointed. The evil UN chartered Israel into existence, they used the holocaust to pull on the heart strings of the world to do this….so the holocaust was a planned event. Your body is the temple, Jesus said this. God only allowed righteous men to build his temple…he wouldn’t even let David cause he had shed blood. So why then would God allow Israel, who is rejecting his son, to build a temple and start sacrificing again, when God abolished that because his son already fulfilled it?
Wow! Things are speeding up on the prophetic timeline..
I wonder which is coming first, pitching David’s Tabernacle or the construction of the Temple?
Perhaps both at the same time since it will take longer to finish the Temple?
They don’t have to finish building a structure. The tabernacle that God instructed Moses to build served the same purpose, and it was a tent. All the necessary furnishings and elements were there…the alter, the cleansing baths, the table of bread, the altar of incense, the candlesticks, the curtain separating the Holy of Holies, the Ark of the Covenant. There is no need for some elaborate building. The point is gathering of necessary elements to perform the purpose, not the building. The elements were to be overlaid with Gold. When I was in Israel in 1995, they had completed the candlesticks and some of the fire pans, according to the instructions in Deuteronomy. Candlestick stand was huge. I’m sure all the other elements are now completed. I suspect they have all the necessary components so they could restructure a mobile temple in a day.
The current “Temple Mount” is NOT the actual location of the former Second Temple. The real location is in the city of David where the natural spring (needed for ritual washing) mentioned the Bible is located. This could open the door to a 3rd Temple at almost any time without disturbing the faux Temple Mount that Islam thinks they own. I suspect the temple institute know this…
I was shown that and had it explained to me in Israel decades ago while on the Mount of Olives. It startled me. There is a book out there called “Temple” written by Robert Cornuke. That book explains clearly why and where the former Temples were. It was In the City of David as you said. Since publication, more data has come forth showing additional support for his conclusion. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to do the research.
Hmm, so is there a magical plan to relocate the Mount of Olives so that it still overlooks the Holy of Holies in your City of David? Don’t forget to move Jeremiah’s Grotto because the Crucifixion occurred above it and Jesus’ Blood flowed down the cracks from the earthquake and dripped on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of Covenant. As required by Mose’s Law or Jesus never fulfilled the Law and all was in vain.
Just because of that little oversight of the City of David being the Temple Mount site.
I don’t think so, God didn’t place the Ark of Covenant in the wrong place only to have the Blood miss the Mercy Seat…
Tabernacle or Temple, it will be on the Temple Mount which is why the priest could look down at the Holy of Holies while performing the Red Heifer ceremony.
It all fits, no?
Don’t know where you’re getting that blood-dripping myth, but you absolutely did NOT get it from the canon of the sacred text of Scripture…neither the Old nor the New Testament. Sounds like something somebody made up…baloney.
It’s your right to settle your heart in any way you choose, but if you choose wrong because of deception then you end up on that wide street that leads to hell…
Just because you overlooked the very law of sprinkling the Mercy Seat with the blood from the sacrifice for the Atonement.
Answer me this, how could the shed Blood of the Lamb of God atone for your sins if His Blood never made it to the Mercy Seat? In the fashion required by the Law?
Without fulfilling that part of the Atonement, Jesus would still be in hell and we would still be lost in our sins.
Everything I’ve said is true. If one jot or tittle was not fulfilled, then Jesus did not fulfill the Law.
His Blood fell on the Mercy Seat, there’s no two ways about it.
It HAD to happen that way or even a different path taken by the Blood but still hitting the Mercy Seat would have worked too…
I’m not sure you are correct. There are portions of the temple that can be seen underground near the wailing wall. Of course it may be possible that Solomon’s 1st temple and Herod’s 2nd Temple were not in the same place.
If the Israeli’s ever come to their senses and realize the Temple was NOT located on the so-called Temple Mount, and was instead located to the south, then they’ll be able to rebuild the Temple on its true location.
This article is not the truth. You cannot purify the “temple” without the temple. There is no need for the new temple because Jesus, Yeshua, made the final sacrifice on the cross on Calvary. The “temple” is now within us. This is all theater to distract from Jesus. They have not met the requirements for a sacrifice in the first or second place. This is all nonsense.
The third temple is noted 13 times in Revelation, all relating to end time prophecy. It is not for your salvation, however, it appears to be a requirement for end time prophecy to take place as it will exist during that final seven years. The last requirement to build it is to have ashes of the red heifer.
In the original biblically recorded language: The temple referred to estalogically in The Revelation are figurative not literal buildings. Jesus himself referred to a temple figuratively as simply a Holy place. The simplest to discern is when The Lord decreed the temple (holy places) would be torn down and three days He would rebuilt it. That simple illustration Jesus gave was not a literal temple would be constructed, but that a figurative new holy place of faith by His sacrificial atonement.
Some denominations make that argument, but it defies the fact that the prophesies in Daniel and other prophetic books never once played out “figuratively.” The dream of Nebuchadnazzar’s golden statue (as a figurative) played out in history, literally. That is, the Babylonian Empire was literally followed by Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. In fact, there is not one single fulfilled prophesy in the Old Testament that has not been fulfilled literally…physically…precisely. Jesus himself was prophesied figuratively…He was the Seed of Eve who would crush the head of the serpent. He was all the elements of the Tabernacle (in John, Jesus points back to figurative elements in the tabernacle…I am the Lamb…I am the door…I am the light…I am the bread of life. This is spoken by the literal fulfillment of the prophesies. The figurative never once pointed to more “figurative,” but to a tangible reality. The claim that it suddenly does so now has no basis of believability. I have been a student of Scripture for 30 years, and I know theologians can put tortious bends on a scripture to fit their suppositions. But the position that suddenly the figurative points to more figurative is a claim is simply nonsensical.
These red heifers are the direct result of dna manipulation of mankind, and not natural.
The same desire to have a temple of antichrist defilement is also not biblical. The church age has no concern to the events of the coming tribulation as apples can never become oranges.
The hatred of the nation of Israel and the Jews is Satanic and is the basis of the battle of Armageddon.
The primary responsibility of the church is to issue the call to repentance to all who reject the gift of salvation that can only be found in Christ.
The fact that most Jews are not ready to receive this call is due to an act of judgment from God.
This should not result in the church being angry or dismissive toward the Jews or the nation of Israel. We need to understand that Israel is still under the judgment of God, but they have a great future. We are called to be gracious toward them because, despite their failure, salvation truly did come to us through the Jews.
We are called to patiently proclaim the Gospel to all nations, including the nation of Israel, as God’s plan of salvation unfolds for the branch that was broken off. And we all need to remember that God is going to graft this branch back in.
Thank you! Was looking for someone to point these simple facts out. The Ultimate Sacrifice has already been made (Jesus) and the Holy Temple now dwells within us. Blood sacrifices and a physical temple building are no longer needed.
You have confused apples with oranges. True believers in Christ…who are only those who have 1) understood that they have offended a holy God, 2) admit and confess their sins, 3) plead for forgiveness of sin based on the sacrifice of Christ, 4) submit their lives to the lordship of Christ, 5) receive the indwelling Holy Spirit that enables one to follow God’s commands (not the culture’s), 6) turn from their wicked ways, and 7) hold firm until death will have bodies that are temples of the Holy Spirit. But that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the Jews are still the descendants of Abraham, still under the Abrahamic covenant, still God’s people (no matter how much He has to discipline them severely), and still to be respected as such. All the signs of the end times still encircle the Jews. That’s why all prophetic eyes remain on Israel….like it or not…Israel starts the clock.
One disqualified and the other four are doing their damnedest to get even one grey hair!
You are spot on correct Joel Mason! No temple is required for the return of The King because a literal 3rd temple is not biblical.
The next Temple will be the one Yehovah sends with His son. Man will not build the third Temple.
David’s Tabernacle will be brought out of Mt. Moria and the Ark ofvthe Covenant will be set up there. At that moment 7 years are left. At the 3.5 year mark the Covenant with Israel will be broken and the Man of sin will sit on God’s throne on earth claiming himself to be God the two witness will appear and at the end of their moment the King will call them up to heaven to declare the new moon and the High Priest and King of kings will instruct the angel to blow the trumpet declaring the new year the new moon the end of this age and the beginning of His.
I have angered the men who worship in the synagogue of hasatan enough to wreck my phone, my computer and delete me from the conversation. I can no longer get into my accounts including my email.
Joel Mason (see above comment) is exactly right.
It is NEVER too late to turn to Brother J and ask for help.
A Jew can kill an animal for religious purposes, but let a chicken in Florida as a Sangria sacrifice, and they break the law. If Christianity has any part in this, I have to object as the God of Abraham doesn’t ask for a animals life be made any ones salvation.
Perhaps someone should tell them that their religion (which was the true religion until 33AD) has been officially cancelled (by God). Just sayin’.
Fact. That’s why the shekel grabbers hate Jesus so much. He officially ended their scam without leaving them in power/control. They despise Him for it.
It’s crappola like this that makes me glad I abandoned any kind of religions long ago.
*see also: Acts 3:19; Acts 28:27; Roman 10:12-12; I Corinthians 12:13
Keep your heads on a swivel for the abomination of desolation out there!
Sadly, holding Jews accountable, like everybody else is, is unacceptable ‘anti-Semitism’.
Why is it that so many people believe modern Israel is the ONLY country in world history that has never committed any crimes against anyone?
Does it have anything to do with believing God will send them to Hell for criticizing Israel or Jews?
Yeah, yeah, I know, I ‘must hate the Jews’, ‘I’m a Nazi’, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever, you blind Jew worshippers.

Islam is a Satanic cult that REQUIRES the murder or enslaving of those that refuse to convert to Islam. FACT
Islam allows muzzies to LIE to promote their cult, aka taqia. So, nothing a muzzie says can be believed. FACT
It’s all in their unholy text, the Qur’an, go read it. Satan wipes his a55 with it.
I spit upon the satanic Qur’an.
Shalom. Viva Israel forever.
What is so magical about a red heifer? I dont know this history of this.