George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley warned Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg that New York judges, especially at the Appellate level, will not like his case against Trump.
He said: “This indictment, if it is reportedly following the theory that we’ve been talking about, is political. It’s a raw political prosecution. The indictment may come out with a crime that none of us have heard of.
“But for many months, this bootstrapping theory has been put out there, this idea that you could take a misdemeanor under New York law that has expired, that has a two year statute of limitations, and revive it by connecting it to a federal crime, in this case, the federal election violation
“Now, there’s a host of problems with that.“First of all, it’s a federal crime the Department of Justice chose not to prosecute.“Bragg’s own predecessor declined to prosecute it, but he is attempting to […]
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Something tells me that Jonathan Turley is a big fat phony. Where is his rage? Does he not see the American Legal system being taken over by Marxists? Is he not a noteworthy member of the legal profession?
Where is his classic Left wing organizing for the purpose of protecting civil rights?
If Trump is now exempt from those civil rights are we not all equally vulnerable and exempt?
I do not believe Turley.
Turley is too clever by half. He is the potential Brutus character in this play. Just watch.
Stop with the Marxist nonsense. The judges are corrupt politically appointed hacks that side with their fellow lawyers. They cover for the politicians that appoint them. They can do anything they want because a complaint goes to a “committee” of fellow judges. It’s skin to gangsters hearing cases of wrong doing by other gangsters. The courts are dysfunctional rackets run by hacks that communicate using legal hobble-de-gook and cite cases hidden behind pay walls only penetrable by lawyers. Unless you can afford a team of three to give $500 an hour lawyers, justice in inaccesssble.
Inaccessible, as is, apparently, good grammar.
Turley has a good heart, but sadly childlike naivety nad innocence, he just has no concept how crooked , corrupt and twisted the system is, he thinks it has to makes sense, the truth wins the day, hahahahahaah, nope, it’s entirely rigged.
The judge is going to go along with this charade Jonny!!
The federal judges I sm familiar with forge documents to support rulings they make. In Oregon, federal judges literally were caught fabricating a declaration that the plaintiff claimed he had never seen before. He was ignored. Now eight different versions have showed up with different signatures. The metadata has the “author” as the plaintiff, a court lawyer, a court clerk, and blank. The versions DLL have an artifact from the copy machine glass . This is a provable forgery by a federal court. We are preparing a formal complaint fir the House Judiciary Committee snd UN court because the case involves a whistleblower of Geneva Accord violations. The article 3 courts need to be dismantled and defunded. They are so corrupt as yo be beyond repair.
If the moderator wants proof if this, the forged versions will be sent to you upon request.