Several reviews of this book have compared NYU psychologist and business school professor Jonathan Haidt to a new William F. Buckley, standing athwart the iPhone and shouting “STOP!” While that likening is not wrong, it is misleading. I know Jonathan a bit, personally; he has a cell phone, and uses it. He is far from Luddism.
What Haidt is worried about is the constitutive role of cell phone addiction in shaping the minds and habits of children and young adults. In particular, this jeremiad is a warning against seeing children’s use of cell phones and social media as inevitable. Parents who shrug and say, “What can you do? All their friends have phones” are making a mistake, and should read this book while there is still time.
Haidt is the sort of center-left progressive that once dominated the better social science departments, at least at major universities with genuine research aspirations. The species combines a basic faith in the goodness and potential of state action with a healthy and informed skepticism of the pitfalls of actual political process. Like many people who were serious about collecting data as a means of learning about society, Haidt was brought up short by the stridency, and occasional hysteria, of the identitarian academic left after about 2012. Haidt’s first widely-known book, The Righteous Mind, happened to be published at this moment, the worst (or perhaps best) possible time. The book’s thesis — people who disagree with you are still good people, and have good reasons to disagree, given their core premises about the world — had become literally unacceptable, even unspeakable, for the academic left. The only acceptable explanation for disagreement with extreme statements by [blank identity, fill in the blank with anything but “conservative”] was that you, the critic, had conscious or subconscious biases against [blank identity]. No discussion was necessary, nor even possible. You, the racist/sexist/homophobe/bigot, must be canceled and publicly humiliated, cast into the outer darkness of the intellectual community.
“That can’t be right,” thought many center-left Progressives, including Haidt. He worked to found The Heterodox Academy, an organization that, according to its web page, seeks to “advance the principles of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement to improve higher education and academic research.” To Haidt’s credit, and the dismay of some of the more superficial identitarians on the left, Haidt pursued a controversial intellectual agenda, inverting that which animated Righteous Mind. Where the first book considered disagreement as productive, his next book — with FIRE’s Greg Lukianoff — was The Coddling of the American Mind, which showed how agreement could be destructive. […]
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