The people rallying outside Columbia University are anti-American anti-Semites who hate all of us. They don’t support the innocent people of Gaza. They support Hamas and Hezbollah. These people are communists and socialists. I used to go to these events to spy on them when they were Occupy Wall Street, the fledgling movement. These people are radical leftists who want to take down America.
This is the warning shot. Will Americans listen and turn this around? Universities are hotbeds of radicals. Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope
While FBI Director Wray is chasing down people who love America, some who got out of hand on J6, he is ignoring radicals who hate America and want to destroy the nation.
When I went to Occupy one day, I followed Susan Sarandon for a while. She is a major anti-American commie. Listen to her spiel […]
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