Reversing the “woke” takeover of America’s education system will require a concerted effort from concerned parents who don’t want their children infected by the woke mind virus .
The latest example of parents becoming infuriated with diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI being injected into the education curriculum, comes from an elite private school in Baltimore County, Maryland.
Project Veritas posted on X this week that St. Paul’s, a private school that charges $38,000 or more per year, issued a questionnaire to 5th-grade boys, asking if they were “Cisgender” or “Transgender” or “Gender Non-Conforming” or “Agender.” The same questionnaire asked the boys about their “sexuality”… Why does the school need to know about the gender and sexuality of young boys? This seems quite unusual. INSIDER: After seeing Part 1 of our #DEI series, more parents are coming forward with inside information of similar controverisal iniatives in private schools around the […]
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