(Peter St. Onge, Money Metals News Service ) Will we ever get durable deflation again? Or will grandma keep getting sucker punched at the check-out lane? Forever.Last week, I joined Kevin Paffrath – MeetKevin on YouTube – for a wide-ranging interview about the economy and freedom.During our chat, he asked about an ongoing beef between George Gammon and Cathie Wood about whether massive deflation is on the horizon.The short answer is no: We will never again see durable deflation. Not until either the dollar dies or the Fed dies – whichever comes first. The Tech-Led Deflation Debate
Now, if you don’t know George and Cathie, he makes financial videos on YouTube, and she’s the CEO of Ark Invest , which manages roughly $7 billion and focuses on disruptive high-tech plays like AI, robots, and biotech.A couple of months ago Cathie gave a talk saying that investors were worried […]
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