The following is a collection of facts suggesting that we may not know what we think we know about two of our nation’s most infamous assassinations, those of the Kennedy brothers.
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy affected no single person as profoundly as it did then-vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.
He and JFK hated each other. Johnson was embroiled in the filthy Bobby Baker scandal , and JFK was considering tossing Johnson off the ticket in his 1964 re-election bid. LBJ’s political career would be over, and he might even go to jail.If JFK had lived, Johnson was finished. If the president died, LBJ would inherit the White House. FACT-O-RAMA! I am 100% not suicidal, and my brakes were just inspected! So it’s suspect that a last-minute change of plans found JFK in a slow turn into Dealey Plaza, […]
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