White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told MSNBC on Tuesday that President Joe Biden has “always, always put equity at the center of every policy he’s put forward!” She gave this response in answer to questions about the tanking economy and the difficulty Americans have been having at the gas pump and grocery store.
Jean-Pierre was asked about a new poll that showed a decline in Biden’s support and more voters going to Donald Trump where Latinos now favor Trump by five points. Instead of answering the question, Jean-Pierre spoke about the hotly contesed 2020 election, Biden’s record on the economy and said “the President has always put equity at the center of every policy he’s put forward!” “Because we understand that many communities have been left behind,” she continued. “We’re not trying to do the trickle-down economics.”
Biden, she said, has been trying to “build the middle class” and not […]
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