Covering Climate Now Conference (Screenshot/YouTube) In late September, with hundreds of journalists watching, Covering Climate Now co-founder Mark Hertsgaard began a two-day media conference with a call to arms.
Climate change, he told attendees at Columbia Journalism School, isn’t just a “problem” or “crisis.” It’s an emergency—one that requires breathless, around-the-clock coverage. Think COVID, Hertsgaard said, except it’s the planet that’s sick.
“We know how to cover emergencies—we cover them a lot. … We saw that during COVID, right?” Hertsgaard said in a session titled, “The State of Climate Journalism: Issuing a Call to Action.”It’s an interesting comparison. During COVID, the press, at the direction of various “experts,” ruthlessly policed its own coverage. The possibility that the virus leaked from a lab, now considered the most likely scenario for its emergence, was roundly derided as […]
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