International journalist Alex Newman unmasks the hidden global agendas and unlocks the alarming secrets of the biotech world with guest Mike Donio, a seasoned scientist in the pharmaceutical field. Together, Newman and Donio lay out the intricate relationship between big pharma and government, scrutinizing particularly the Biden administration’s zeal for vaccine boosters. Alex is also joined by Clay Clark, the mastermind behind the ReAwaken America tour, to delve into the heart of America, celebrating the resurgence of patriotism. Exposing ‘Censorship Industrial Complex’ That Threatens All Liberties
Leave a Comment / By Liberty Sentinel Staff / November 21, 2023 The “censorship industrial complex” built and operated by the Deep State and its allies threatens not just freedom of speech, the free press, and free expression, but all liberties, explained The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State . Just this month, Congress exposed new […]
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