A commercial ship from the UK was hijacked by pirates Friday and is now heading full speed to Somalia with the original crew still on board. The Daily Mail reports that while the crew of the MV Ruen are all safe, according to the UK’s Marine Trade Operations, they no longer have control of the vessel.
It is unknown how many total sailors are on board.
The EU’s counter-Somali Piracy Force, EUNAVFOR said that a Spanish warship has been utilized to investigate the hijacking “in order to gather more information and evaluate further actions.” “Based on first information available on MV Ruen, the EUNAVFOR Operation ATALANTA flagship Spanish Ship Victoria is proceeding fast towards the alleged pirate-hijacked vessel to gain more awareness and evaluate following actions,” the EU’s force said in a statement to Reuters .
“EUNAVFOR remains vigilant to this and other recent piracy-related events in the area of operations, the […]
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