The video by journalist Tayler Hansen of uniformed San Antonio Police officers working for Non-Government Organizations to facilitate human trafficking is one of the most important stories in a long time. Unfortunately, it will get zero coverage from corporate media which is why it is incumbent on American patriots to spread the word.
This isn’t just about the law being broken or law enforcement being compromised. It isn’t just about our sovereignty being stolen through the border invasion or the human toll being ignored as women and children are raped incessantly on their way to grab what Joe Biden promised them. All of that is important but there’s a subtext here that must be understood.
Some Americans are waking up. I don’t know if it’s 0.1%, 1%, or 10%, but it’s not nearly enough. The biggest obstacle to getting “normies” to appreciate that the powers-that-be are working against us is making them suspend disbelief in the scope of the conspiracy. Sadly, Americans have been trained to think “crazy” when they hear the word “conspiracy” but the reality is this: There ARE those conspiring against us.
Understanding that the scope is tremendous is a prerequisite for people to wake up to the reality of our situation. If they believe that most in power are simply greedy, then they’ll miss the heart-wrenching truth that the people with the real power want us either completely under their control or dead. The depopulation and control agenda is happening around us and the biggest reason people fail to see it is because they cannot accept a scenario in which the Powers and Principalities really do have everything they need to make it happen.
Far too many assume that if really bad things are being done then someone will stop it. They cannot grasp a world in which corporate media is completely compromised. They cannot fathom a society in which any “good” politicians are removed and the handful with honor who are allowed to stay are neutered. They cannot accept that an army of unsuspecting useful idiots are helping to bring about their own demise.
The cops depicted in this video aren’t thinking about the damage they’re doing to their own community and their own nation. They see a sweet gig in which they get to sit around with no risks and make a lot of money. They probably get paid more to be NGO security guards than they do when they’re actually putting their lives on the line for the sake of a citizenry that doesn’t appreciate them.
To suspend disbelief in the systematic destruction of our nation requires Americans to realize just how much power is being wielded around us. They need to realize that it doesn’t take a million globalists to subvert the foundations of our country. It takes a few thousand dedicated people in power plus a whole lot of useful idiots like these San Antonio cops.
Until more Americans understand this harsh reality, they will still be expecting someone else to save them. Until more Americans wake up, they will not be preparing themselves for the fight that’s coming.
It’s not just “law enforcement” like the San Antonio cops, it’s government in general. It’s also those government workers and politicians that become ensnared in Jeffrey Epstein-like operations to compromise them. I have to believe a lot of the people don’t mind being compromised (black-mailed) because the money is so good. In the end, they’re selling their souls to the highest bidder for a little monetary pleasure on earth…
It would not take much to dissuade these vile half-men to decline the “gig” shown here, but unfortunately it will take violence. But once a few of them are sacrificed for the greater good (that being the end of trafficking), the rest will know that it’s a very very risky gig which they should avoid.
I commend your seemingly tireless efforts to sound the alarm. I read your words everyday. I know one day they will try to silence you by removing your operating capital, your crucial infrastructure. I bookmarked many outlets in the spring of 2020 where I would seek the truth between the various articles. For those that did we knew then before the summer of 2020 Covid was an inside job, medications were being suppressed etc.. Today 30-35% of those bookmarks are dead. With the revelations of Government censorship, worse no action it becomes clear a day is fast approaching when the only outlet for independent information will be shutdown. To be effective one must organize and to achieve that one must communicate. The revolutionary war had runners on horseback, scouts. Today our government seeks kill switches on all vehicles.
The ignorant allow the communicator to persuade them by a combination of statistical manipulation, obfuscation, appealing to emotion, fabricated empathy that was indoctrinated into them. Revising definitions to suit goals. Those doing these things claim their actions are to help others when in reality they could care less, they serve man, worship Gaia to the point of the extermination of their own species.
Soldier on, resist while you can. The table is being prepared for strongmen to ascend and wars to commence.
Any follow-up, since we know their badge numbers. Well, at least one for sure? How about confronting the head of the Police Department? I lost all respect for the Blue after so many of them became Gestapo agents harassing people during the Wuhan Flu.
“…citizenry that doesn’t appreciate them”? 😂😂😂
Cop Suckers, where is your ‘good cop’, arresting these swine?
Nowhere to be found.
Because ALL cops are criminal traitors and despicable lawless scum, whose PRIMARY duty is to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE and SUBVERT RULE OF LAW. SEDITION AND INSURRECTION!!!
Solution: cite the laws being violated, place them under citizens arrest, when they resist, add that charge and use force to subdue the law breakers. Bring backup. I’d be gleeful to assist.
Time for government pigs to pay consequences for their actions, for ONCE.
FTP ACAB, every single one of the LAWLESS swine. 🚔🐷🔫
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” Frédéric Bastiat
I’d wager most of those children being raped on the way to what democrats promised are also compromised themselves. The cartels, gangs, and coyotes don’t let people pass through for free. There’s a price. Once they’ve gotten help from the mafia, they’re owned by the mafia.
Same probably goes for these cops. Either someone has something over them, or there is a fear that something may be held over them. MS-13 might be targeting their families or something, or there may just be a fear that should could happen. Who knows.
Now, depending on how you look at technology these days, it may aid in blackmailing and compromising someone even when they didn’t do anything wrong – or, it may weaken the ability to blackmail if the means of blackmail could’ve been easily faked.
In any event, I’d say there’s probably a lot more going on, in many cases, than what meets the eye …
… even if what’s being held over them is the fear of the leftist mob and what it might do
David McElwain. Wanted for Treason and Oath Breaking.