Mosquitoes can transmit microplastics into the skin and blood of the animals they bite, according to a new scientific study. You probably thought those annoying little buggers couldn’t get any worse, didn’t you? Well, they can.
The scientists behind the study exposed mosquito larvae to microplastics in a laboratory setting and then followed where the pieces went using special imaging technology. At first, as the mosquitoes developed through the early stages of their lifecycle, the microplastics remained lodged in their digestive systems. Once the insects reached adulthood and were allowed to feast on lab mice, some of those pieces were then transferred to the skin and blood of the mice.
As amusing as I found this news, it didn’t come as a surprise. Other studies had already shown that insects including ants and bees transport microplastics quite readily. In the case of honey bees, these microplastics end up all […]
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