Remember the good old days when Global Warming was going to doom us all? I’m so old I remember it was the imminent, any day now, new ice age that would popsicle humanity. Good times. Good times. But when the climate computer modeler’s climate computer models all failed to predict, well, anything, and embarrassingly, the globe suddenly refused to warm, and that couldn’t be covered up, our new, universal doom was hastily renamed: Climate Change! It’s the Swiss Army Knife of eco-Armageddon. There is nothing it cannot do, nothing it cannot anticipate, describe or blame. Since it is and causes everything, it has the enormous scientific advantage of being non-falsifiable, which is kind of un-scientific, but CLIMATE CHANGE!
Hot weather? Climate Change. Cold weather? Climate Change. Rain? Climate Change. No rain? Climate Change. Tuesday? Climate Change. Dark out? Climate Change. Full moon? Climate Change. Snow? Climate Change. No snow? Climate […]
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