This is usually the time of the year when I post a “Year In Review,” looking retrospectively at the last 12 months with respect to antisemitism, Bible prophecy and Israel. Unfortunately for us all, over the last two decades, I have not lacked stories to tell, lies to expose and truth to teach.
Is 2023 any different from the previous years, and is it significant for our civilization? The answer can be found in the events of Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas committed the brutal murder of 1,200 Israelis in one day (the highest Jewish death toll since the Holocaust) and took over 200 hostages into Gaza. Oct. 7 was not just a terrible terrorist attack in Israel, but it was an existential attack on Western civilization.
Some 60 years ago, Yasser Arafat, the Egyptian-born leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, started planting the seeds of historical revisionism in the Middle […]
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