Remember when Sen. Joe Manchin turned his back on those who had supported him against the far-left onslaught by voting to pass the so-called Inflation Reduction Act? And remember when that boondoggle bill contained over $80 billion in new funding for the IRS?
At the time, we were all assured that the funding would go to good use, expanding the enforcement ability of the IRS , raking in billions upon billions of dollars in unpaid taxes from (in my best Bernie Sanders voice) the “millionaires and billionaires.”
If you’re wondering how that turned out, we’ve got some hard numbers that give a pretty good idea. Ironically, the Associated Press thought it was worthy of bragging about, but a critical look tells a far different story. The IRS says it has collected an additional $360 million in overdue taxes from delinquent millionaires as the agency’s leadership tries to […]
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