If men are from Mars and women, Venus, as the famous book put it, then Venus is quite like California and Mars closer to Montana. This is more true than ever, too, with yet another study showing that Gen Z (born 1997-2012) women are far more liberal than the generation’s men — in fact, the females are now 30 points more left-wing.
There has long been in politics what’s called a “ gender gap ” (should be “sex” gap, actually), with women consistently being more liberal, and more likely to vote for Democrats, than men are. For example and expressed as a percentage, the 2018 midterms saw men support Republicans 51-47, but women break Democratic 59-40. Yet this already-large gap may be becoming a chasm, with a major reason being the sexes’ diverging beliefs on “gender” politics and feminism.
Business Insider reports on the story, writing that […]
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