For National School Choice Week, the Left starts a disinformation campaign claiming school choice is harmful and rooted in segregation. Pictured: A man costumed as the villainous Darth Vader from “Star Wars” scares a 3-year-old near the U.S. Capitol on Dec. 1, 2013, while promoting the Museum of Science Fiction. (Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post/ Getty Images) National School Choice Week begins Sunday after the school choice movement’s most successful year ever and with the promise of more momentum going forward. But not everyone is celebrating.
A highly organized, well-financed coalition of two dozen national and local left-wing advocacy organizations, teachers unions, and associations of government bureaucrats have teamed up to fight back against parents who seek greater educational opportunities for their children.
In this coalition’s view, families should have the choice of any school they want, so long as it’s run by the government.
The left-wing coalition—under the anodyne-sounding name Partnership […]
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