The radical left has taken over America, and Ted Cruz is fed up.
“We are at a level of crisis you and I have never seen. It’s never happened in our lifetime,” he tells Dave Rubin, who is in agreement.
Cruz has written a new book on this very topic titled “Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America” — and it’s packed with information on how to stop this crisis in its tracks.
The book focuses on different institutions the left has seized control of, like universities, which Cruz calls the “Wuhan lab of the woke virus.”“That’s where it was invented. It’s where it mutated. It’s where it spread. It goes from universities to K-12 education. From there to journalism, from there to government, from there to big business to Big Tech to entertainment, Hollywood, movies, television, music, sports,” Cruz explains.The woke virus then made its way to science — which […]
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