( NewsNation ) — Bunkers, survival plans, stocked pantries and stashes of supplies — doomsday preppers have made headlines in the past. But now it’s becoming a big business. Real estate speculators say there are plenty of people concerned enough about the future to buy properties in bunker communities.
In the video above, NewsNation national correspondent Brian Entin visits a former Army base turned bunker community in South Dakota that’s off-grid and built to be self-sufficient. What is doomsday prepping?
Prepping has been defined as: “The management of stockpiled household items in anticipation of market disruption.”
There are different kinds of preppers out there, including doomsday preppers, climate change preppers, wilderness survivalists and homesteaders. Each have their own preferences and distinctions. Some value the DoomsDay Clock , while others focus more on survival techniques. Who are doomsday preppers? Preppers are people who make preparations to survive without government assistance in […]
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