Did Snopes just engage in the most dishonest “fact-check” of all time? That may be a little strong given how awful the fact-checking industry is, but their latest work has to be up there.
The setup, which was reported by RedState on Friday, involves Joe Biden wearing a hard hat backwards while trying to pander to union workers in Wisconsin. The photo itself is comical, and it was only a small part of the senility displayed during his trip.
READ: Biden Gets Confused, Dems Ignore Him, Then He Wears a Hard Hat and It Goes All Kinds of Wrong Nothing like having a beer with some great union workers and yes, that would be @JoeBiden in Superior, Wisconsin. @AFLCIO pic.twitter.com/caMGiRXjPe — Amy Klobuchar (@amyklobuchar) January 25, 2024 The picture received the appropriate amount of ribbing from people online. I mean, it is objectively funny that, […]
Read the Whole Article From the Source: redstate.com