As Christmas approaches, the holiday tradition of bonuses seems to be diminishing this year for small businesses due to Bidenomics.
Job board and talent connector RedBalloon says while 199,000 new jobs were reported in November primarily through the government and health care, small businesses are struggling to pay their employees and grow.
According to a poll conducted by the group , about 42% of U.S. small businesses are forgoing Christmas bonuses and 28% have diminished bonuses compared to 2022.
“While the administration talks about how amazing the economy is and how robust the economy is, these small businesses are going to their employees and saying, ‘Look….we’re grateful, you’re here. We’ve always done our Christmas bonus. We simply can’t afford it this year.’ I think that is a clear sign of what people on Main Street are actually feeling about the economy right now.” Andrew Crapuchettes told the John Solomon Reports podcast on […]
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