At this year’s annual World Economic Forum in Davos , Switzerland, panelists convened to discuss their “Global Risks Report 2024. ”
Among the many world problems they decided they needed to solve, they identified “misinformation and disinformation” as one of the most severe threats facing the planet in the near term.
Public health officials, struggling mightily to conquer the ignorance of the masses for their own good, of course, were the victims.
In the World Economic Forum’s passionate panel discussion on the topic, “ Liberating Science ,” Naomi Oreskes, professor of the history of science at Harvard University, acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic vastly amplified the public’s lack of trust. “[T]here has been a deliberate attempt to inflame the public against experts, and we definitely saw this during the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said.Conspicuously, the globalist jet-setters didn’t focus on the fact that much of the popular hostility to the public health “experts” […]
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