Throwing a softball question to the DHS secretary on Monday, a reporter asked Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas how he can get through to the “75% of the American people” who just don’t understand how well he’s handling the illegal immigration crisis at the U.S. southern border.
Citing an unnamed poll, the reporter told Mayorkas that better “messaging” is the key to making the ignorant three-fourths of America understand that the Biden Administration knows what’s best for them regarding the situation at the border: “Mr. Secretary, you mentioned a bunch of things the administration is trying to do, but a poll shows 75% of the American people aren’t getting it. “What can you do, message-wise, to convince the American people that what’s going with immigration, as far as the administration is concerned, is in America’s best interest?” “So, it is opportunities like this that I will use to communicate the facts to […]
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